Breaking news … Declaration of the ‘Shopping Center’ of the Ministry of Health


In the statement made by the Ministry, it is stated that information about Covid-19 should be given at taxi stands and posters should be hung about Covid-19, hand washing and wearing masks. In the statement, “Interpersonal distance (3-4 steps, 1 meter) should be maintained at commercial taxi ranks. Drivers with fever, cough, or respiratory distress, Covid-19 or contact with the Covid-19 incident in Last 14 days should make sure not to work Commercial Taxi stations should be cleaned daily with water and detergent Particular attention should be paid to cleaning frequently touched surfaces (such as door handles, table surfaces, electric buttons) inside the station. “


In the declaration, the measures to be taken for drivers are listed below:

“No more than 3 clients should be accepted in commercial taxis at the same time. Commercial taxi drivers must act in accordance with personal hygiene regulations and must definitely wear a medical mask inside the vehicle. The masks must be changed in case of humidity. The tires they must maintain the masks when removing them, the outer surface of the masks must not be touched. ” Used masks should be thrown into the attached trash bag. If there is a change of mask, a manual antiseptic should be used. Contactless payment methods should be encouraged. “

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Attention to the precautions to be taken for customers in the taxi was said as follows:

“All customers taking a taxi should wear a medical / cloth mask and not remove them during the trip. Those with symptoms compatible with Covid-19 (fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, etc.) should receive a mask medical, they should go to the health center. In commercial taxis, the alcohol-based hand sanitizer is sufficient to be used by each client on board or 70% alcohol containing cologne must be kept, and served at client an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or cologne as soon as the client takes a taxi. “


The statement also included the following statements regarding the ventilation, cleaning and disinfection of taxis:

“The ventilation of the air conditioning system in taxis should be in the form of fresh air entering from the outside. The function of the internal ventilation system of the air conditioning (reintroduction of air inside) should be avoided. The windows of the taxi Commercial vehicles should be opened at every appropriate opportunity to ensure the interior air of the taxi is cleaned. It should be done with water and detergent every 6 hours. The interior surface of the vehicle should be cleaned with water and a detergent cloth. After each customer, the surfaces ( door handles, radio, window open button, seat belt buckles) must first be cleaned with water and a detergent cloth, then must be disinfected with 1/100 diluted bleach or 70 percent alcohol / cologne. Cleaning should be done when there are no passengers and then ventilated until it dries and smells. “
