Everything in the world has become very fast. Every day we wake up with news of disaster. Fires, earthquakes, virus outbreaks … As if what happened in hundreds of years now happens in a few months! The world is rapidly turning into great “chaos”. According to Hayati Sır, the biggest competitor to this chaos are those who possess “Digital Technology”, “Artificial Intelligence”, those who want to “digitize” the world and humanity by destroying what is appropriate for the natural and fit.
What exactly defines digital virus?
Recall what physicist Hawking said at this time: “Life in the world; nuclear war may end due to the creation of 1 genetically modified virus or the threat of artificial intelligence. ” And let’s think once again about Artificial Intelligence, Coronavirus, 5G relationship!
Former World Health Organization expert admits
World Health OrganizationAccording to Peter Koenig, one of the oldest experts in Turkey, the main objective in the elimination of the coronavirus ID2020 draft. Financed by the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations ID2020 The plan is to put microchips in virus vaccines in patients and robotize people. ID2020 project Contains creepy planning. With the project defined as a digital identity, 5 micro-millimeter chips can be placed in vaccines and medications. With the ID2020 interviewed in Davos, each person will be given a digital ID number! One of the founders of ID2020 is Digital Gates. The other partner is the world’s largest vaccine alliance, Gavi The Vaccine Alliance. And WHO, UNICEF, the support of the World Bank. Isn’t what we are experiencing today ready for all this? It is not a biological virus! ‘Digital virus‘! The goal is to tear everyone to pieces!
Neurobiologists now argue that the mind and body are the same. And it tries to transfer this information on ‘Artificial Intelligence’ through quantum mechanics. For a completely virtual state. Massive zombies on quantum computers dependent on “Artificial Intelligence”! Cannot be prevented digital viruses with a spread rate! There are approximately a trillion links between web pages and a hundred times more between neurons in the human brain. However, since the size of the Internet doubles every few years, the human brain is expected to have complexity within ten years. All these global shirk meats want to make,Artificial intelligenceIt is creating awareness! Is that possible? Or have they already been successful?
What is a digital virus?
Many self-replicating digital media ‘Code’ Exists. Consider what has happened to the millions of gigabytes of computer code flowing per second so far. How many virus was it able to replicate and spread? Digital zombies has already started! Let those who print from 3D printers and build a house be prepared for a digital virus that can come off the screens. Pi movieLet them look one more time. That is why they investigate our genetic information written in our DNA. What do you think are the chips? Digital virus can they be counted? Or detect viruses!
Why is the digital virus more dangerous than the coronavirus? Yes, Covid 19 is spreading fast and has a lethal effect. What does the digital virus do?
What is the “digital virus”? What is being done to spread it? What ‘things’ are used? And how can people unknowingly be instrumental in spreading these “tech viruses”? What is the “Internet of Things”? What are “quantum computers”? What is the purpose of the “Technological Uniqueness”? Think about it! The coronavirus is meant to bring ‘digital fascism’. Digital bondage! Quantum chip! Digital certificate! They intend not to entitle those without a certificate to life.
“The whole objective is artificial intelligence”
Know that if they start to spread then ‘Digital virusNanoboots will be quickly copied with. They will be able to end biological life on earth in no time. everybody planet It is under threat. People have received their eyes and hands all day. ‘The screen Although they are never separated, they intend to end biological life on earth. And ‘biological intelligence’! Here all your goals are to replace your “biological intelligence”artificial intelligenceIt’s power.In the end, everyone will probably have to connect with it! Like artificial objects! He said to ‘Supreme intelligence!
Think back to hell if you want. What kind of place is hell? It is a temperature that humans cannot bear and that fiery radiation. Isn’t it a place where biological life never existed? by Neurotechnology The devil will tie you up without intermediaries! The digital age That’s what they say! And so will be the end of human generation! In the digital age, people are like ‘soulless corpses’. In your handsdisplayThey adore! ‘Writes’ lovers! They run shirk! They Kobaylaş. This is digitization. The coronavirus not only kills our elderly, it also destroys “memory.” This virus; “Destroy a generation that remembers the past!” We have no time left. They erase our memory, make us forget that there are other lifestyles in the past. When we bring the coronavirus close to our eyes, we cannot see the ones behind it. A digital world is being established. Chip over people and make them a cyborgThere is also a scenario that you want to convert it. Cast 5G Pay attention to the problem! Artificial intelligence! The Djitalleş! Technological fascism! Caution!
“They can interfere with your DNA”
With coronavirus, now secretly manufactured worldwide ‘Label’ It was normalized. Our intimate life can disappear. ‘The digital age‘this is all. CEOs of the world’s largest companies have been removed from their roles with Coronavirus within 3 months. It is not weird? They prepared for these days ”digital staffThey brought them to work. Who owns those shirk-meats? Everything in search of the digital future.The EconomistHe says that now only one state in the world is needed to combat the coronavirus epidemic. They want to replace what Allah Almighty has created with their “things”. And they intend to duplicate each “thing” with an infinite number of identical ones. According to them ‘Technological singularity“This will be established in our world. His name is ‘Tech Company’! There is no ‘sacred’ for ‘Artificial Intelligence’. There is nothing real there. Every ‘thing’ is virtual. Even ‘sin’ is unlimited because it is perceived as ‘virtual’. Can be copied at any time with an infinite number of copies. You no longer live in this world but in its virtual world. ‘Without’ It’s an illusion even in artificial intelligence! There is no limit to the processing of ‘sin’. Numerous sins can be committed. ‘From DNA to they intervene. They disrupt your genetic makeup. When you are ‘human’, they will gradually turn you into another ‘thing’! You don’t even realize it, reject these insidious interventions in your mind and body. Asked in faith Compress!
Could you list the “concrete” steps taken under the name “organization, company, foundation” in this latter period in this book, where you have highlighted in your books and actions and threatened the human generation, and this speed has increased . For example, 5G technology is said to contribute to the spread of the virus in China and keep people breathless.
“They can destroy millions of people in a short time”
Henry Kissinger; “The coronavirus will change the world order forever. The world will now move at its new frequency, economically and politically. This new order will take centuries“He says. What else can he say so that people can wake up? Is the direction unclear? New digital world order! And digital youth! Digital future. From Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates; ‘Massive vaccine and call for global governanceDoes it not explain your original intentions? ‘New world order’! Digital certificate or quantum tattoo! ‘Digital slavery’ is coming. Bill Gates insists: “Takip digital tracking system to prevent coronavirus‘AND ‘Microchip’ a need! “Therefore, people’s DNA can be traced digitally through a ‘thing’ planted in their bodies. This is the goal of shirk-meats. In 2017 Bill gates He said; “Biological terrorism can destroy millions of people in less than a year. You can create a deadly formula in the laboratory!And the coronavirus patent belongs to an interesting institute; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!
And Elon Musk; “Combining artificial intelligence with a human mind by installing chips to target people“And doors;”A chip can be installed to treat the disease!“And cold meats began to affect their employees. Digital Musk says the last word; “Neuralink aims to solve the existential risk associated with digital super intelligence. We won’t be smarter than a digital supercomputer, so if you can’t beat them, join them.What else can these digitals say? To wake up! If we just follow what these two shirk meat owners say, we can already learn their true intentions.
“They always waited for this day”
Know that deli meats will decrease even more. Apple and Google Covidien-19 They collaborate on people tracking technology. All cold cuts come together. They always waited these days. The digital age! And investigate that! Bill Gates full name William Henry Gates III‘Species. What number is the ASCII code?
The whole idea of the initiates since Francis Bacon is to rebuild life! And today they seek to develop “life technology” through quantum biology. Genetically modified microbes! Digital doors! Digital Musk! Meat polytheism! Let’s all consider together.
Most people are unaware of anything.
The scary thing is that most people are struggling in their daily lives without realizing anything. And they get more and more every day! Truths They lead a life dependent on “Artificial Intelligence”! they polytheism-etleş! These are scary.
Hidden Symmetry Hazard
Nano robots are replicators that are making copies of themselves. Then they are copied to these copies, and so on. The progression of proliferation continues rapidly and exponentially. And let’s understand that there is a danger of hidden symmetry in digitization. All your sides become the same and never change again. If it changes, the mechanism is broken. This is being a device! You are no longer ‘human’. Device! Think about it! ‘Artificial intelligenceWhat is “? A maddening resemblance! Uniform! digitization The situation is better understood when looking at the winning companies. Who are the main owners of coronavirus? Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook. Messenger, Instagram, YouTube, Amazon, Huawei, Samsung. What else? Let people lose their lives, they win. The digital age! See, the British experts made the following statement; “Covid19 is not the weapon of frequency! The first 5G technology was used in Wuhan in 2019!However, more than 200 scientists from 41 countries have already voiced their concerns about 5G to the UN and the World Health Organization in this regard. China and 5G! Huawei! Frequencies are growing a lot in 5G and each user can now act as a base station. There is a connection between electromagnetic contamination and the coronavirus. Electromagnetic pollution breaks down your immune system, making you vulnerable to the virus. Saying about us; Turn off the ‘screens’ as soon as possible! Raise your head and look at the sky. Go back to your nature.
Do you think that the project of digitization of humanity is a ‘monetary’ project and an ‘international war of power’? Or is it based entirely on a metaphysical basis?
The main objective of nanorobotists is to transform any type of biological life into electronic life, to digitize it. What is dark ‘matter’? And the truth of those ‘things’! As time speeds up, the facts are increasingly covered. Today, it is increasingly difficult for the “human” to find himself than before. Digitize and accelerate technology! They don’t just cover our perception that they break our DNA and make our bodies artificial. Our energy is changing. The comfort of the modern world; It’s from the devil! This is the digital age. Pleasure of pleasure! It’s like a vortex, if you get caught, you can’t get rid of it. You become a digital ‘thing’, chip. Remember, technology is essentially electricity, it is the deformation of “matter”. It is reverse current! The dhikr is spoiled!
The ‘barcode’ is essential for the digital system
It is understood that cold meats are intended to rule the entire world. This is the eugenic civilization! Technological fascism! They will destroy what is not artificial. If we insist on staying natural, they will also want to destroy us, according to the ‘Digital System’! The ‘barcode’ is mandatory! ‘666’! Devil’s number! “He made a mark on everyone’s right hand or forehead. So much so that no one can buy or sell anything that does not bear this sign, that is, the number that symbolizes the name or the name of the beast. / Calculate the number of the monster you can understand. Because this number symbolizes the person. Their number is 666.“John Revelation! Bab 13!
A Trojan inserted into the human generation.
Let’s think! What time is it, what is splintering, whose symbol is it? Whose is the 666? And today! The digital age! Coranavirüs! Artificial intelligence! And the digital identification number that will be given to each person! What is happening? If humanity continues to sleep like this, then perhaps it will never wake up again. The coronavirus is just a tool to move into the digital age. The banking system, the money, everything will change. TESLA’s satellite phone, Huawei 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Avatars, GENOMICS, people, plants, animals with modified genes, DNA chain … Let’s make sure that the ‘digital virus’ is a ‘Trojan’ introduced in the generation human is about a horse. It is programmed to consume our lineage. Of course, this will not happen, but it is time for us to go back to our ancient sources and read a metaphysical ‘read’ so that we can understand what is happening and what is happening.
How should we read all these experiences in the axis of Istanbul-Jerusalem-Hagia Sophia-Masjid-i Aksa?
Attention to those who say “Mesip will come to save us”
Right now! Who says “Christ will come and save us”? Israeli Health Minister Yaakov Litzman! Leadership in film, the media industry, science fiction novels, cartoons, documentaries, and computer games has always been in the Templars. They prepared the world mentally with subliminal messages to this day. The objective of the Templars is to break the balance of the world and man at the same time. So we always live. Coronavirus! Forest fires! OMG! Genetic data mining! They call DNA Evolution! Global warming! And terrorism! They are all meant to bring their “Christs”. No one asks; Why are the Templars fighting to destroy Masjid al-Aqsa and rebuild their “Temples” on “MulallakKaysı” for so many years, taking into account all the bloodshed?
Masjid Al-Aqsa is sad. Makkah Al Mukarramah, Medina-i Münevvere and our mosques, its branches, are depressed by the spiritual energy points of the earth these days. These deliberate closings are meant to interrupt the flow of the soul. It is collectively for the cessation of our spiritual diet. Of course, we will have our own movements. Hagia SophiaWhile reading the Koran, you should know that in the metaphysical realm Al-Aqsa Mosque Kept up. Spiritual conquest requires this. The chaos that has been brought under the guise of the coronavirus epidemic in the world is to bring the “Messiah”. at Target Al-Aqsa Mosque Exists. For the construction of the temple! And know that Masjid Al-Aqsa will be saved when the spiritual conquest begins in Istanbul. The secrets of Masjid al-Aqsa and Hagia Sophia are interrelated: Istanbul is a metaphysical “door”. There is a way from Hagia Sophia to Jerusalem! “Sophia’s Logos”! Logos is also “Jesus Christ”! The meaning of Hagia is “Wisdom”. So Hagia Sophia means “Sacred Wisdom”. Hagia Sophia! Weather! Everyone must pay attention. It should not be forgotten that Istanbul is at the “qibleteyn point”. Istanbul is the world’s zero point, which was widely accepted until 1962. When you head from zero point to the peak of Hagia Sophia, it is also the first Aksa mascot, as well as Mekke-i Mükerreme. You will return to.
Finally, what should we do to prevent digital virus outbreaks? What should our state do, what should an ordinary person do? What exactly does the strengthening of the Great Wall of Zülkarneyn mean?
“They should be included urgently in the Scientific Council”
Scientists at Scripps Research have identified the weakness of the coronavirus. MengYuan says: “We discovered that this point is hidden in the virus. It only happens when the structure of the region changes. “ The area in question was the “Achillestop” of the virus! So what triggers that ‘hidden zone’ within the Coronavirus? electromagnetic. Knowledge of electromagnetic fields as an Emergency Science Council in Turkey neurobiology, neurotechnology, neuropsychology, neurotheology and metaphysics Experts must be included. New urgent boards for crisis management must be established. However, there should be no bureaucratic structure, and private persons outside the system should be contacted. This problem is not just the field of modern medicine! We must plan our agricultural production. Our own seeds, water resources and energy! ‘Anatolia’ is the main source of traditional medicine. The cure is perhaps there. We must be clear. At the end of this process, we can find a different world.
“The media should now return to its positive transmission”
The ‘media’ should now return to positive transmission. If you consistently post negative posts, you will serve those who started the Coronavirus outbreak. They get what they want, our immune system collapses, we open ourselves to the virus. Promising news must be made. “Media” management is now neglected. An impressive and negative post is made. We must be prepared for any situation in the future.
“Frequency technology is more dangerous than the atomic bomb”
They say the frequency has not yet been used in technology, but if it is used it could be more dangerous than viruses and atomic bombs. Although the virus is from individual people, the masses often disappear. High frequency! They talk about a frequency system that will affect human cells, the nervous system, and brain waves. 5G must be stopped. 5G technology can affect mirror neurons in the front of the brain, damaging the brain. There is proof of that. A step beyond that is 6G, after that the human is already 2.0, which goes until the brain splinters.
Let’s think about feeding the coronavirus by absorbing our ‘energy’. It doesn’t really have life, it comes to life with us. And when it affects us, it kills us, leaving us without energy. If our immune system is strong, it cannot live in us. The ‘spiritual armor’ is essential for our immune system to be strong. If it will strengthen our spiritual armor; Zülkarneyn is our Great Wall. is the anchor!
“We are entering a very difficult time”
We are entering a very difficult time. Zülkârneyn Great WallBuilding is now essential. If we look at the signs that are coming now, it is clear that we are under wave-by-wave electromagnetic attacks. We have to be anchored and keep a ‘cigar’! Let’s strengthen the Zülkarneyn Great Wall of our body to protect against coronovirus:
“Bring me the iron masses.” When he matched the two ends, he said, “Hit!” When I put it on fire, ‘Bring me, let me pour melted copper / tar! They couldn’t get past it or pierce it anymore. “ “Kehf 96/97. And let us do this; Let us mention that Allah Almighty clings to each of the Esmaü’l Husnas and mentions it as a” pure “link for us.
“We must be prepared”
Let’s prepare for any situation. This is not only a biological warfare, but also a psychological warfare. It is also an economic war, a financial war, a war of industrial giants, a war of technology! Let us also contribute to those who manage this difficult process. Let’s pray Let’s use water more carefully. Let’s use everything more economically. We must use scarce resources effectively and efficiently. Let’s use less industrial food. There is no need for evasma. The state of panic makes things difficult, not easy. Let’s read the Koran, let’s pray. Let us ask our Lord for help. Hazrat Ali was asked; “Are the problems we find a test? Or is it a punishment from God?“The Science Gate answered;”If it brings us closer to God, it is a test, if it is far from it, it is a punishment.And everyone answer this question! Is it better to sleep in your own bed at home? Or in intensive care? Or underground? Let’s stay home.
Vesselam …
Source: Haber7