28 thousand limited figure


ANKARA – Members of the Central Council of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) met with Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Chairman of the Republican People’s Party. Making a statement to the press after the meeting, the doctors evaluated the decision of the Ministry of Health to declare all the cases after a long time.

Regarding the announcement of the Ministry of Health that there were 28,351 cases as of November 25, the president of TTB, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, said: “Yesterday we saw all together, the facts have a habit of coming to light. We, as the Turkish Medical Association, said that we were right from the beginning. If only we hadn’t done it, if only so many of our people hadn’t died, we wouldn’t have been so sick If we hadn’t lost so many health workers. But we say that this is still preventable. We said that measures could be taken to achieve this ”.


Stating that they will continue to tell the truth as doctors, Fincancı made a statement at CHP headquarters and said: “Whatever criminal organizations do, we will tell the truth. Criminal organizations threaten people, threatening to kill them, but instead, members of the High Honor Council of the Turkish Medical Association are imprisoned in this country with false witness statements. They wanted to shower with our blood, they ran free, but the scientists who were telling the truth were imprisoned. “We will continue to tell the truth fully.”

Members of the press said: “The number of cases was made public for the first time. The debate over these numbers continues. What data do you have? How do you evaluate the number of cases? “Fincancı responded to his statements as follows:

“We did an evaluation a week ago with our family medicine branch. They said they had approximately 50,000, more than 47,000 positive cases with the data they collected from the field and were following up. Various negative tests but clinically excluding Covid-19 patients. The test has a positive rate. There is a positivity rate of around two-thirds. There are about a third false negatives. When we evaluate these, we see that our central council member, chest specialist İbrahim Akkurt, reached the number he gave when comparing pneumonia rates and patient numbers. Finding 100,000 as of today. 168 people died yesterday. If we can’t handle the epidemic properly, people die, everyone is life. Therefore, we say that the epidemic must be managed correctly. 28 thousand is a limited number. “


Vedat Bulut, a member of the TTB Central Council, on the other hand, said: “We get results from the field. You don’t have the possibility to retain the data despite the Turkish Medical Association. Somehow, the data flows to TTB from the field. There are 4-5 thousand positives in Ankara alone in the meeting we had with radiation. “We can say that the number one thousand does not reflect the truth.”

“What kind of path should be followed in terms of the course of the epidemic?” Fincancı said: “The TTB, together with other health labor organizations, prepared a proposal for measures. It is ideal for restricting collective mobility, shutting down, stopping production except for mandatory production, at least two weeks, normally four weeks. Science says this, not us. Also, people should not be condemned to starvation. You need to avoid loss of income. A salary must be paid that people can live humanely, if there are rental expenses from merchants, they must be covered. It must be taken into account that group homes played a role in accelerating the epidemic ”.


Fincancı recalled that the Ministry of Health announced numbers for a long time when distinguishing between patients and cases, saying: “Is the discussion of the patient’s case continuing?” He answered the question as follows:

“My dear colleague Rukiye Eker said he was a student at the Ministry of Health. He recalled that the patient and the case mean the same thing in medicine. Actually, when I looked at the dates, I realized that I was also a student, and I remember them. The patient and the case are the same in medicine. We do not separate them. It is indicated, but it is not possible to determine when Covid-19 will show symptoms after it is positive.

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