With the Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Project, whose investment cost will reach TL 10.5 billion, the travel time between Istanbul and Edirne will decrease from 4 hours to 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Investment in roads until the railway in Turkey is also paying off.
In our country, where large projects are implemented, works are offered one by one that maximize savings in transportation, time and energy.
In this context, according to information received from officials of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, the construction of the Çerkezköy-Kapıkule railway line, which began construction in June last year and constitutes the 153-kilometer part of the project, has intensified.
Halkalı – 20 percent of Kapıkule high-speed train line completed VIDEO
Çerkezköy-Kapıkule and Çerkezköy, which will provide high-level rail connections with European countries Cyclic-Cerkezkoy railway sections consisting of Cyclic– A 20 percent progress has been made in the construction of the Kapıkule railway line.
The line within the scope of the project, which received the 2019 Inspirational Project Award in the field of “Finance and Financing” at the Eurasia Strategic Infrastructure Project Leadership Forum; It will be built as stations in Çerkezköy, Büyükkarışıra, Lüleburgaz, Babaeski, Edirne and Kapıkule.
The project will build 53 underpasses, 59 overpasses, 16 rail bridges, 2 tunnels, 194 culverts and 3 viaducts, which also includes difficult-to-build artistic structures.
A double line will be built, 200 km of speed, signaling and electrification, and the total investment cost will reach 10,500 million lira, and freight and passenger trains will be able to operate.
The project was designed taking into account all environmental measures such as the conservation and reuse of organic soil along the route of the line, the crossing of fauna and the manufacture of acoustic curtains. Environmental awareness is maintained at the highest level on construction sites.
Under the Environmental Management Plan, noise, vibrations, surface water quality and dust are measured before construction begins and the necessary measures are taken and transactions are carried out.
Thanks to the operation of the railway vehicles that will be used in the framework of the project with electrical energy, it is intended to keep the carbon emission value very low. In addition, regular environmental training is provided to field staff.
€ 275 million of the contract value of € 530 million for this part of the rail project will be provided with grant funds from the European Union.
In this sense, the project is also the largest grant project.
Construction of the Çerkezköy-Kapıkule section is expected to be completed in 2023. CyclicThe other section of the Kapıkule railway line, which is 76 kilometers long Cyclic– Tender preparations for the Çerkezköy section continue.
Like the other investments of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, this project has opened a door to employment in the region from the first day it began.
At this stage, approximately 2,000 people are employed in the project. This figure is expected to reach 3,500-4,000 in the next period.
When the project is completed, which offers the convenience of traveling at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour by rail, the following transportation advantages will be provided:
“Cyclic-The travel time between Kapıkule will decrease from 4 hours to 1 hour and 20 minutes, and the freight transport time will decrease from 6.5 hours to 2 hours and 20 minutes.
With the project, the provinces of Edirne, Kırklareli and Tekirdağ will be connected to the high-speed train network. Cyclic– A major part of the Iron Silk Road from London to Beijing will be completed with the Kapıkule railway line.
When completed, the line will connect Turkey and the high-quality trans-European network with each other.
Export opportunities for industrial products produced in the region will increase and logistics costs that will occur during the transportation of necessary raw materials to the manufacturing industry will decrease.
Although 1.53 million tons of cargo are currently transported, it is intended to increase this figure to 9.6 million tons per year and increase the annual average of 600 thousand passengers to 3.4 million.
By decreasing the density of land transport in the region, rail transport will increase, so accidents and air pollution will decrease. “