Trump’s tweet deplores NASCAR’s removal of the Confederate flag

“@BubbaWallace apologized to all those great NASCAR drivers and officers who came to his aid, stood by him and were willing to sacrifice everything for him, only to discover that it was all just another HOAX? The decision has caused Lowest ratings EVER! “Trump tweeted.

As the coronavirus pandemic breaks out across the country, Trump has largely moved on, seeking to focus on his “law and order” message through a series of incendiary speeches, tweets, and statements defending racist monuments and They dig in their opposition to change the name of the Army. named bases for Confederate leaders.

The “flag decision” in Trump’s tweet seems to link NASCAR’s decision to remove images of the Confederate flag from all lower-rated races and events. Last month, amid protests nationwide following the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers, NASCAR banned the flag, a racist symbol.

NASCAR has said that the presence of the Confederate flag “runs counter to our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans, our competitors, and our industry.”

Trump’s ally and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina rejected Trump’s tweet during a Fox News radio interview on Monday.

“They are trying to grow the sport,” said Graham, referring to the decision to ban flags from NASCAR events. “And I’ve lived in South Carolina all my life and if you’re in business, the Confederate flag is not a good way to grow your business.”

The White House did not immediately respond to CNN’s request for clarification on why the president believes NASCAR’s decision to ban Confederate images is affecting his ratings and if he disagrees with that decision.

NASCAR also launched an investigation last month after a crew member of NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace, its only full-time black driver, discovered a rope at his garage stall in the Talladega Superalla. The FBI found that the rope had been in the garage since last year, and therefore Wallace was not a victim of a hate crime. NASCAR, in citing the FBI report, described the item as a “garage door pull rope designed as a lasso.”

“It was a rope,” Wallace told CNN after the investigation. “Whether it was tied in 2019 or whatever, it was a rope. So it wasn’t directed at me, but someone tied a rope. That’s what I’m saying.”

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany reiterated Trump’s message when asked about the tweets on Fox News, comparing the rope incident to an alleged assault on actor Jussie Smollett and attacks on the character of the Covington High School students after a viral video caught national attention that initially lacked additional important context.

“What the President is doing is a broader point that this rush to judge the facts before the facts come to light is not acceptable. And we saw it with the Covington children and we saw it with Jussie Smollett, and now We saw it in the case before the FBI reached that conclusion, “he said.

“The president simply points out that we must let the facts come to light before we rush to court,” he added.

Smollett, who is gay and black, said he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack near his Chicago apartment on January 29, 2019. Chicago police investigated the case as a hate crime, but later said the actor orchestrated the incident. Smollett has repeatedly denied inventing or orchestrating the attack.

Monday’s tweet is based on the rhetoric of Trump’s weekend culture war.

Speaking at the base of Mount Rushmore on Friday night, he criticized what he called a “ruthless campaign” by his political enemies to erase history by removing monuments, even though the sculptures commemorate parts of America’s racist past.

“When we gather here tonight, there is a growing danger that threatens every blessing that our ancestors fought so hard for,” Trump said. “Our nation is witnessing a ruthless campaign to erase our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children.”

And back at the White House on Saturday, he compared his efforts to defeat “the radical left” to the United States’ efforts to eradicate the Nazis.
Last week, he chased attempts to remove racist names from buildings, attacked a federal housing standard designed to combat racial segregation, and called the words “the lives of blacks matter” as a “symbol of hatred.”

Some of the President’s political advisers fear that Trump will be distracted from the real economic and health crises facing the country and that it will drive away moderate swing voters whose views on race have evolved beyond viewing Confederate monuments as “history “

But Trump has insisted that the issue is a winner for him and has refused to change course.

Graham also told Fox News radio that he would encourage Trump to distinguish between protesters and violent looters, saying that “there are voices in the country pressing for racial justice.”

CNN’s Steve Almasy, Kevin Liptak, Manu Raju, Haley Byrd and Ali Main contributed to this report.
