Trump’s rail against the Paris Climate Agreement in a virtual G20 event

Trump The presidential election was expected to be his final appearance at the international summit after losing to Joe Biden. His views on other issues, from trade to security, as well as the climate crisis, have made traditional U.S. There has been deep instability in the alliances, which have promised to improve the presidential-elected bid.
Trump’s speech on a pre-taped environment from the White House put an end to his four-year disagreement with allied world leaders. In it, Trump called the 2015 Paris Agreement “unilateral” and claimed it was designed to wreak havoc on the U.S. economy.
Speaking from the diplomatic chamber, he said the Paris Agreement was not designed to protect the environment, it was designed to kill the American economy. “I refuse to hand over millions of American jobs and send millions of American dollars to the world’s worst pollutants and environmental criminals, and that would have happened.”
Trump announced the withdrawal of the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement in the first year of his presidency, resisting some internal pressure among his advisers, who feared it would create tensions with European and Asian allies.
The tug-of-war process was not finalized until this month, and Biden has said he will return to the deal after taking the oath. With the rest of Trump’s departure, his influence on the global stage has reached its lowest point. Most of GD’s other leaders have congratulated Biden on his victory.

Trump’s participation in this year’s G-20 was not even confirmed until late Friday evening, when he appeared on his official schedule. Trump has made no secret of his disagreement for the big multilateral summit, questioning their value in conversations with aides.

On Saturday, Trump attended the inaugural session of the Virtual Summit from the White House Situation Room at 8 a.m. ET, although he began tweeting about his futile claims of election fraud 13 minutes later.

He made the remarks during the inaugural session, but was not disclosed by the summit committee organizers and was not given a copy by the White House. Later on Saturday, while Trump was on his golf course, a study session on global epidemic preparedness was called featuring speeches by French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and others.

President Donald Trump played golf at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia on Saturday, November 21, 2020.
An environmental video was played on the margins of the G-20 as part of a similar session, which is taking place virtually this year, as it is due to a coronavirus epidemic. Trump’s remarks were far from the messages of other leaders during the session, which focused on multilateral efforts to reduce carbon emissions to slow climate change.

Trump chose to focus instead on his defense record in the United States, saying under his administration “environmental stewardship is a sacred duty.”

He said he had worked to prevent children from being drawn to drinking water, appealed for a pledge of 1 billion new plantations, and said that Teddy Roosevelt had been sent to the U.S. He has done more for national parks than any president.

But Trump also began his efforts to expand American fossil fuels, despite his role in accelerating climate change.

The United States is now the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas, he said.

“Every day we are proving that we can protect our workers, create new jobs and protect the environment without imposing unilateral international agreements on our citizens,” he said.
