Trump’s Israel-UAE peace deal is ‘good news’, admits Dems to Bill Maher

“Real Time” host Bill Maher offered some rare praise to President Trump on Friday after his administration made a peace deal with Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) a week earlier.

“This is, to quote Joe Biden, a big f — a ‘deal,'” Maher said, using a past Biden quote unrelated to this week’s agreement – although Biden deal praised Thursday.

“Or maybe it is not,” Maher continued, turning to his panel of guests. “I’m going to ask you: do you think this is a big deal? … Trump did a good job … as someone in his administration did.”


Pete Buttigieg, a former mayor of South Bend, India, who was seeking the nomination of the Democratic president, called the Middle East agreement “good news.”

“Anything that adds peace or stability to the region, we should not be afraid to say it is good news.”

“Anything that adds peace or stability to the region, we should not be afraid to say it is good news.”

– Pete Buttigieg, former presidential candidate

Andrew Yang, a New York businessman who also ran for president as a Democrat, agreed – and advised fellow Democrats on positive developments coming from the Trump administration.

“If something good happens, you have to shout it out, because you can not get into this trap or this mode where everything Trump does is automatically bad,” Yang said. “You know, Democrats need to have a clear vision for what we want to see in the world and everything that moves that vision closer to reality, that we need to applaud – regardless of who is in power when it happens.”

“You can’t get into this trap or this mode where everything Trump does is automatically bad.”

– Andrew Yang, former presidential candidate

Former Democratic presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg, and Andrew Yang, were waiting Friday night for the Israel-United Arab Emirates, which was brokered by the Trump administration.

Former Democratic presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg, and Andrew Yang, were waiting Friday night for the Israel-United Arab Emirates, which was brokered by the Trump administration.

On Thursday, President Trump – along with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Vice-Commander-in-Chief of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed of the United Arab Emirates – released a joint statement saying they ‘ had agreed to the complete normalization of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. ”

The statement said the “diplomatic breakthrough” came at “President Trump’s request.”

Under the agreement, Israel would “suspend the declaration of sovereignty over areas outlined in the President’s Vision for Peace and now focus its efforts on expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and Muslim world.”


Maher reiterated that he thinks it will be a “big deal in that part of the world.”

“It’s happening slowly, but the normalization of Israel in that part of the world, I think, you know, it did not happen soon, but it will happen because everyone realizes that it is inevitable and they are not going completely,” he said. added Maher.

Biden on Thursday also praised the peace treaty, but credited efforts by the Obama-Biden administration for the ‘historic step’.