Trump will attend the Virtual G-20 Summit amid the coronavirus boom

President TrumpDonald Trump on Trump’s election tactics: President New York’s’ worst democratic move ever ‘hard to imagine’, extends Trump’s tax fraud probe to include in writing Should pay ‘for more Attending the Virtual Group of F-20 (G-20) summit this weekend, the White House announced that global leaders would catch up on the growing cases of coronavirus around the world.

Trump will attend the summit on both Saturday and Sunday, according to a schedule issued by the White House on Friday night. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

The summit for the group, made up of 19 leading world economists and the European Union, moved online this year due to the COVID-19 epidemic. King Salman of Saudi Arabia will chair the summit, which was originally scheduled to take place in Riyadh.

Trump’s appearance at the summit comes when he refused to accept the president-elect JB BidenBiden Romney on Trump’s election strategy: President Biden promises ‘more democratic measures than worst’, promises federal government will pay for national guard coronavirus work: ‘it should be paid’ Demands a briefing from. MoreHis election victory earlier this month and his campaign seeks to overturn the results.

The president has made a few submissions since the Nov. 3 election, his most recent public remarks focused on announcing action aimed at supporting the administration’s coronavirus vaccine efforts and reducing the cost of prescription drugs.

During a comment at the White House’s Rose Garden last Friday, Trump said his administration would not advocate a national lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus and would appear to be pressuring the Biden administration to enforce any such ban.

Biden vowed on Thursday that he would not impose a national lockdown to control COVID-19, saying “I will not shut down the economy, the period. I will shut down the virus.”

Trump’s appearance at a virtual meeting of world leaders this weekend has sparked a worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus, with more than 57 million cases reported worldwide and nearly 1.37 million deaths.

U.S. In, more than 11.9 million cases have been reported this year while more than 254,000 people have died, according to figures collected by Johns Hopkins University.

When leaders joined the emergency G-20 teleconference earlier this year to discuss the global coronavirus response, the number of cases worldwide with less than 20,000 deaths related to the disease topped 500,000.

U.S. Rising cases in New York City have prompted New York City to close schools for personal education and have led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to make recommendations against Thanksgiving travel.

This weekend’s summit is one of Trump’s last appearances with other world leaders before leaving office in January. U.S. Leaders from a number of allied parties have congratulated Baden and spoken to him by phone after his election victory.

Trump spoke to various leaders at the G20 summit last year, when he drew attention to jokes about “fake news” sitting with the Russian president. Vladimir PutinVladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the new marshmallow media in the Biden era, how to deal with Putin’s financial onslaught Unlike in ‘America First,’ Biden needs a multilateral strategy More And Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan next year for a “family photo” of the summit.
