Trump to sign executive order on coronavirus vaccine, give preference to Americans over foreign countries

Exclusive: Fox News reports that President Trump is expected to sign an executive order on Tuesday that the U.S. government will end the use of the coronavirus vaccine to all Americans before it begins aiding nations around the world.

Senior administration officials told Fox News on Monday that the president would tell the American people again during a vaccination summit at the White House on Tuesday that “priority has been America’s first approach.”

The news of the executive order comes just days before Thursday’s meeting of Food and Drug Administration’s Food and Drug Administration’s Pfizer and Bioentech’s application to authorize their coronavirus vaccine crisis, three weeks after companies filed for it. The FDA also plans to meet on December 17 to discuss the Moderna vaccine.

A source close to the White House Coronavirus Task Force told Fox News last week that Pfizer-Bioentech authorization could come as early as Friday. FDA Commissioner Stephen Hehn said last week that he was “very optimistic” about the approval and that he was “moving very fast.”

An official told Fox News that international aid could arrive “in late spring, early summer” and then, predicted that “before we distribute these vaccines to Americans to get international get access, it is a priority to make sure.” ” “Get vaccinated people who want to be vaccinated.”

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The official said the executive order “is clear and indicates that we prioritize the prior access of the American people before working with partners and allies to provide access to the vaccine.”

The official added that the international aspect of the order will identify who will work with the framework, guidelines and equipment, when we have more supplies to meet these demands.

Another official told Fox News that “very soon we will be delivering highly effective COVID-19 vaccines to the American people,” adding that these vaccines are “critical to ensuring the health and safety of our citizens, the viability of the economy and our safety.” ”

The order would direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to prioritize the distribution of vaccines to Americans, in motion “unseen.”

Along with the order, COVID-19 vaccines will also be given a framework for international consumption, which will be provided by USAID, HHS, Export-Import Bank and US. The International Development Financial Corp will provide guidance on how to deal with foreign countries. Coronavirus epidemic.

The order will outline the government’s “three primary approaches”, which include working with partners and allies who have the financial means to obtain highly effective vaccines.

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For economically disorganized countries, the senior administration official said they would “manage resources to help obtain vaccines” and “get the ancillary supplies needed to administer and track.” The order would also call for work with organizations focused on resource donations, so that the US government can work with low-income countries – especially Gavi, the vaccine alliance, which will work with USAID – to “low૨ to middle income countries.” ”

Officials, meanwhile, said President Trump is working with six vaccine candidates in an effort to create a vaccine against the novel coronavirus earlier this year – two of whom have applied for authorization for emergency use.

Officials told Fox News that the Trump administration has invested “at risk” with all vaccine manufacturers, even before FDA approval, to help produce and help vaccine, which they described as “out of standard.”

Typically, the official explained, clinical trials take place, and then they get FDA approval and begin production of the vaccine. But the official said the government was “simplifying production at the front end.”

The official said that if any of the six candidates proved effective, they would be supplied on the shelf, adding that they plan to send the vaccine across the country “within the first 24 hours” of the EU.

Officials said they expect “late summer, early summer” for international assistance, but noted that “we can move left or right depending on how we deal with other vaccine candidates.”

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Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said this week that the average American could expect to be vaccinated by the “second quarter” of 2021.

Officials, meanwhile, clarified that U.S. In, the first to receive the vaccine dose will be frontline healthcare workers, vulnerable people, inside the nursing home and long-term care facility. Officials said states have developed distribution schemes.

One official explained that once the EU becomes effective for the vaccine, the Immunization Activities (ICIP) meeting for the Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee will meet to “get more details about where other doses go.”

“Frontline healthcare workers, long-term care facilities and nursing homes,” an official said. “As we move beyond that, CDC will further improve distribution plans.”

The official added that the Trump administration is engaged in “unprecedented cooperation” with the federal government, the private sector and international partners.

The agency’s scientists are working non-stop on “large amounts of data,” according to Fox News. This was a quick approval process to complete the data before. was the month of invol, which puts the current schedule at a historic pace.

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An FDA spokesman added that the thousands of pages of data must be split and reviewed by experts from different disciplines, and then integrated into the overall review.

“The completeness of these reviews includes matters such as whether the manufacturing process and restrictions on manufacturing are appropriate, examining the statistical analysis performed to make sure it has been carried out properly, and conducting additional analysis to see the effectiveness of the vaccine.” Said the risk of adverse effects on the subconscious of individuals may be higher.