Trump tells voters living in the suburbs that they will “no longer be bothered” by low-income housing

President Trump told suburban voters in a tweet on Wednesday that “they will no longer be bothered or financially hurt” by having low-income housing in their neighborhood after his administration repealed an Obama-era housing rule.

The Affirmatively Promotion of Fair Housing, or the AFFH rule, was designed to eliminate racial disparities in housing by telling jurisdictions that receive housing funds to assess patterns of housing discrimination and develop a plan to lessen them .

“I am pleased to inform all people living their suburban lifestyle dream that they will no longer be bothered or financially disadvantaged by the construction of low-income housing in their neighborhood,” Trump tweeted Wednesday. market, and crime will decrease. I have rescinded the Obama-Biden AFFH rule. Enjoy!


The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rescinded the 2015 rule last week when Secretary Ben Carson said the rule was “unfeasible and ultimately a waste of time for locality enforcement.”

It will be replaced by a new rule that reduces the burden on local jurisdictions to demonstrate that they are actively taking steps to address historical patterns of racial segregation in order to qualify for HUD funding.

“Washington doesn’t have to dictate what’s best to meet the unique needs of its local community,” Carson said.


Housing advocates called Trump’s opposition to the rule a racially charged appeal to white voters in the midst of an election year, as Trump has repeatedly said the rule forces low-income housing construction in the suburbs. .

“Your house will drop in value and crime rates will rise rapidly,” Trump said last week. “People have worked their whole lives to enter a community, and now they are going to see it go to hell. It won’t happen, not while I’m here.

Trump has tried to pit presumptive Democratic candidate Joe Biden against suburban voters, saying last month that Biden wants to make the suburbs “much worse.”

“At the request of many great suburban Americans, and others, I am studying AFFH’s housing regulation that is having a devastating impact on these once-prosperous suburban areas,” the president tweeted. “Corrupt Joe Biden wants to make them SO MUCH WORSE. It’s not fair to the owners, I can FINISH!

“Biden will destroy his neighborhood and his American dream,” Trump tweeted last week, along with a New York Post column titled “Joe Biden’s Disastrous Plans for the Suburbs.”

“I will preserve it and make it even better!” Trump added.

The New York Post column states that, according to the AFFH rule, “cities around the world would have had to ditch areas, build larger water and sewer lines to support high-density living, expand schools and social services and add public transportation. All pushing up local taxes. Cities that refused would lose their federal aid. “

Carson has said that jurisdictions were “forced to comply with complicated regulations that require hundreds of pages of reports” under the Obama-era rule.

The problem has been a long-standing problem for Carson, and fair housing advocates say the program never took off because Carson suspended its implementation shortly after taking office. Biden has said he would implement the rule.

Biden’s housing plan would eliminate zoning regulations in the suburbs that cause prices to soar.

“Exclusionary zoning has been used strategically for decades to keep people of color and low-income families out of certain communities,” Biden writes.


It would also greatly expand Section 8 housing vouchers, enact laws to prohibit homeowners from discriminating against vouchers, establish tax incentives to build affordable housing, protect tenants from eviction by providing legal assistance, among other policies that Biden believes that would make housing more affordable.