Trump says Biden tried to take credit for Israel-UAE deal

WASHINGTON – President Trump blown out Joe Biden for trying to claim credit for his historic Israel-UAE peace deal, after the Democratic nominee said the peace deal came from the “efforts of multiple administrations.”

“This is something we’ve been working very hard on and I see that Sleepy Joe is trying to claim credit for this and I’m trying to figure out how that works,” Trump told reporters at a White House briefing, with one of his favored taunts for his opponent.

The Trump administration announced Thursday that it has a historic peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, which will pave the way for full normalization of relations between the two Middle Eastern countries.

Biden praised the “welcome, courageous, and much-needed statesmanship” and claimed that he and former President Barack Obama had paved the way for Trump.

“The meeting between Israel and Arab states builds on the efforts of multiple administrations to promote a wider Arab-Israeli opening, including the Obama-Biden administration’s efforts to build on the Arab Peace Initiative,” he said. .

But Trump on Friday challenged the Obama-Bid administration on its record for foreign policy, in particular his Iran policy, which included giving money to the rogue nation.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump
Joe Biden, Donald TrumpGetty Images (2)

“What he did was that they made a terrible deal with Iran and the deal was a horror show and I ended it,” Trump said. ‘They got nothing from that deal except trouble. They did nothing. ”

“Just like they were weak over China, they were weak on Russia, they were weak on everyone and they were the weakest of all on Iran,” he said.

Trump said the deal was done by his hardworking team, not Biden’s, and took a hit on the former Veep’s mental acuity.

“That was made a lot by very talented people who work with me and it has been praised around the world,” the president said.

“What you will see now is that other countries will come into that deal and you will have peace in the Middle East, and Biden does not even know, he does not even know the name of the countries I am talking about,” he said.
