Trump retweet conspiracy theory COVID-19 death toll interrogation

President TrumpDonald John Trumpburks says he is optimistic about the coronavirus vaccine but urges people to ‘do the right thing today’. ‘More Retweeting a conspiracy theory over the weekend, it was falsely claimed that about 9,000 people had died from the “real” coronavirus alone, instead of about 150,000.

Twitter later deleted a tweet written by a user named “Mail Q”, who also believes in the QN conspiracy theory, and said it violated its rules.

The recently deleted tweet referred to a post on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stating that “for the% of deaths, Covid-1 was the same cause.”

But contrary to claims made in the tweet, that doesn’t mean that another 94 percent of people have not died from the coronavirus. Many of the remaining death conditions were also listed that are caused directly by coronavirus, such as “respiratory failure.” Others had underlying conditions that were not necessarily fatal on their own, but that made coronaviruses worse, such as obesity and diabetes.

“When you look at‘ only 6% ’of people with Covid-19 as the only cause listed on their death forms, it means that only a small fraction of those who died from the disease had no disease. Other underlying or immediate causes reported by medical certifications, ”wrote Australian Australian epidemiologist Gideon Meirovitz-Katze. “This is completely surprising, as it is rare that someone would not have had at least one issue with the coronavirus before their death, and that means that in 94% of cases of people with covid-19 other issues also developed, or that There were other problems at the same time. “

Trump’s retweet of the post reflects his desire to reduce the death toll from the virus, the main issue in the run-up to the election, and his desire to retweet posts from fringe accounts such as Quennon’s supporters.

Another tweet, Jenna Ellis, a senior legal adviser to the Trump campaign, has not been removed by Twitter, and links to a fringe site Gateway Pundit’s article about the 6 percent figure. Trump also retweeted that tweet.

CDC The chart lists a total of 161,392 deaths from the coronavirus as of Aug. 22. Other sources make it clear that the death toll was too high. Johns Hopkins University lists more than 183,000 deaths from coronavirus in the United States.

The New York Times’ analysis earlier this month found a metric called “more deaths” to put the true death toll at at least 200,000, which means more deaths than normal levels in previous years.

Asked at a press briefing Monday whether Trump was trying to reduce the death toll from retweets, White House press secretary Kyle McKinney said: “No, he was releasing new CDC information that is worth noting.”

“He was just paying attention to those numbers,” he said.
