Trump kicks back Dem claims he is trying to ‘sabotage’ the election by manipulating ‘Post Service’

President Trump shrugged off Democrats’ claims that he was “sabotaging” the 2020 presidential election by “manipulating” the U.S. Postal Service, saying “it’s been terrible for years” and “we will make it right.”

“I’m just doing it right,” Trump said Monday in an exclusive interview with Fox & Friends.

“We have a very, very good business man running it, and … I want to make the post office great again,” he added, acknowledging that he said the comment was “funny,” but “it’s true.”

Trump said at the time that the post office had lost $ 78 billion over a “very short” period of time.

“In the last 10 to 12 years, something like that,” Trump notes.

“And we are making it so that it will be good and we will mainly take care of postal workers,” he added. “We are not pushing people.”

“This is not a Trump thing,” he added. ‘This has been one of the disasters of the world, the way it is run. It’s done terribly and we’ll make it right. ”

“What should I do? Let it continue to run badly? So when you fix it, they say, ‘Oh, he’s manipulating the election,'” Trump continued. “No, we do not manipulate.”

Chamber member Nancy Pelosi suggested that members of the August recession could be brought back to tackle problems with the U.S. Postal Service, while Democrats urged to appear at their local post offices amid the fight for post-in votes for to protect the 2020 presidential election.

Pelosi, D-Calif., Said on Sunday that the “Election Central” post office had been hit by the coronavirus pandemic, even as President Trump and Republicans had been warning for months that universal post-in-vote polls would cause widespread voter fraud.


“Alarmingly, we see across the nation the devastating effects of the president’s campaign to sabotage the election by manipulating the Postal Service to decipher voters,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi went on to meet with Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, calling him a ‘top Trump mega-donor’ who has ‘proven to be a complicated crony’ as he continues to support new operational changes that are ruining postal , delayed the mail, and – according to the Postal Service itself – threatens to deny eligible Americans the opportunity to cast their votes by mail in the upcoming elections on time. “

On Monday, Trump pointed out that “absentee ballots, like in Florida, are great things.”

‘You send for it, you ask for it, they send it to you, you send it back with your voice. Those are great things, ”he said. “Universal voting, where they cast millions of votes in a community, in a state like New Jersey does now, will be a disaster.”

Trump also said “what’s up” in Nevada, because voting for mail-in “will also be a disaster.”

“No signature verification, you can bundle, they call it a harvest,” Trump said. “I mean, harvesting is illegal in most places and they let you harvest.”

The Trump campaign and the Republican state and national commissions filed a lawsuit against Nevada earlier this month over extended post-vote for the November election.

‘Look what happened in New York, disaster. Paterson, NJ, ramp. Virginia, ramp. “It’s a disaster. What’s going on?” Trump said.

Trump and the Republican Party have been warning for months about possible fraud linked to voting via mail. The RNC and the Trump campaign have filed lawsuits to retaliate against Democrats’ efforts to restore voting laws in response to the pandemic; this, while Democrats say cases of actual voter fraud are limited and argue that Republicans are trying to suppress voter turnout to improve their chances of winning elections.

Earlier this week, the USPS warned 46 states and the District of Columbia that it could not guarantee that all e-mailed ballots would arrive on time to count in the November election.

Democrats have asked for $ 25 billion, including $ 3.5 billion in election resources, to strengthen the Postal Service in time for the election to be included in the fourth coronavirus stimulus package. Trump has said the money from the Postal Service will not come unless Democrats come to the negotiating table on coronavirus relief and give concessions to Republicans.

Host Steve Doocy asked Trump on Monday if he thinks “this is just another way of trying to get that huge corona[virus] bill by the Democrats? ”

‘It’s a Nancy Pelosi con game with her associate [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer, ”Trump said in response.

‘The post office, there are 25 billion, but they [Democrats] really want $ 1 trillion to compensate their poorly run states, like the state of New York, which is running terrible, ”Trump added.

He went on to say that Democrats primarily want New York, California and Illinois, as well as other states, to bail.

Trump noted that “the Republican states are doing phenomenally well.”

Trump added that what Pelosi “wants more than anything in the world is to get $ 1 trillion from all states, from the U.S. taxpayer, to relieve people who are doing a bad, bad job with these states that have been going bad for years. . ”

He stressed that Democrats “want compensated states of democracy that have run poorly, but they want the whole nation to do it.”

“So instead of just accepting that, I’m fighting for the nation and then they do the number, you know the wrong number about the post office,” Trump said, adding that Republicans “want it to run efficiently, run well.”


“We want it to earn for less money, much better, always take care of our postal workers,” he continued.

Fox News’ Brooke Singman and Brie Stimson contributed to this report.