Trump is furious with apologies, veto threats and Kovid denial

“I think it’s a nightmare that everyone is going through, and they all say it’s over,” Biden said Tuesday when asked if they could help rid the country of the epidemic and its aftermath. Whether to expect a “honeymoon” of early political goodwill.

Trump’s abrupt final days in the White House later took a new turn when the president leaned his unwarranted apology, including political payments for justice in another ethically questionable use of executive power.

As the daily Kovid death toll rises to 2,900, Trump has accused investigators in Russia of misrepresenting two Ecclesiastes and two staunch supporters of the former GOP convicted of financial crimes. Focused on dismissing members of Congress.

They also rescued the guards of the Blackwater private security firm founded by political supporter Eric Prince. Guards fired sniper fire, machine guns and grenades at innocent men, women and children in Iraq in 2007.

Vice President Mike Pence – just a day after the coronavirus vaccine became available to a small fraction of Americans – appeared before a shoulder-to-shoulder mob mocking the government’s social distance protocols to promote him as head of the coronavirus. Task Force. The event includes a continuing political campaign prioritization over public health that is at the root of the White House’s devastating mismanagement of Covid-19.

Trump remained in the White House, his last, most conspiratorial loyalist, plotting new ways to disperse Biden’s legitimacy in his baseless quest to reverse his apparent election defeat.

“We’re seeing no petulant kids throwing rage their way,” said Jeremy Diamond of CNN, a senior Republican close to the president.

A Washington bombshell

Trump threw the Covid Relief Bill into doubt, asking Congress to amend it

In a new attempt to boost his fading influence, Trump released a video on Tuesday denouncing the Covid rescue bill for not including it in a one-time stimulus payment and for exposing the question of whether he would sign the bill.

The president is not alone in raising the try try00 pay for working-class Americans and drawing attention to funding for pet projects introduced in the bill by legislators. But many of Trump’s own GOP allies opposed higher pay. And their intervention is an act of political catastrophe as it threatens to advance a delicate deal that is mired in obscure negotiations and could result in millions of Americans and small businesses losing access to much-needed aid.

Trump’s clear threat to veto a package just passed by Congress could deepen the country’s dire economic situation.

The president’s new demand for a 2,000 payment for every American will torment many who have seen the provocation test incorrectly enumerated in the bill.

It is no coincidence that Trump’s move – announced in the White House – should be vacated in 28 days. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who broke with the president last week in recognition of Biden’s victory in the election.

And the president linked his gamble – a classic of Trumpian disruption – to a Machiavellian drama that expressed his hope of disrupting Biden’s presidency and included a baseless claim that he could still win a second term.

While he criticized the millions of dollars in bills for the arts, foreign aid and other issues, Trump failed to mention that many White House loads of taxes for business lunches at a time when many Americans are hungry.

It is not uncommon for the boring, stigmatized-stigmatized President to have sharp conflicts with the spirit of energy and mission after the final knots – it is a natural state of constitutional transfer of power.

But this comparison is particularly sharp in 2020, at a time of national extremism, once between a century of epidemics, resulting in economic catastrophe and the outgoing president denying the result while exhausting the maximum means of power for self-service. A fair election she lost.

Biden tries to fill the leadership void

The main lines of Biden's comment before Christmas

Biden on Tuesday launched a new effort to provide a kind of national leadership that has been the identity of a Democratic and Republican president for decades and is long gone from Trump. That vacuum is especially evidence of the epidemic and the Russian hack of the American government.

Biden warned that the supply of groundbreaking vaccines is low and, despite Trump’s team’s campaign, will take “many months” to become available to most Americans. And in a message of resources never adopted by Trump, he warned that even more thousands of Americans would die.

“I’m going to tell you the truth. And here’s a simple truth: our dark days in the fight against covid are not ahead of us, but behind,” said the president-elect in Wilmington, Delaware.

Biden is a U.S. citizen. The president-elect also issued an unusually harsh condemnation of the outgoing president for blaming Russia for the huge cybatech on federal servers whose government blames the Kremlin.

“The attack happened on Donald Trump’s watch while he was not looking.” Biden spoke of the president’s response, which “raises the mystery about Trump’s bizarre respect for President Vladimir Putin.” Created.

“His responsibility as president is still to defend American interests for the next four weeks. I can assure you that even if they don’t take it seriously, I will.”

The beginning of the apology spree

Trump announces amnesty wave, including Papadopoulos and former legislators Hunter and Collins

The wave of amnesty announced by the president on Tuesday was full of his constitutional powers. And many other presidents have offered clinics in a way that has provided jail-out-jail-free cards to supporters caught up in scams. But no modern president has used this feature so well for a political end or short-circuited the Department of Justice’s procedures for eligibility for the presidency. And the waivers announced Tuesday are only likely to lead to a down payment on more controversial moves in the coming days.

Trump has pardoned former campaign ally George Papadopoulos and Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwan, both of whom were accused of lying to investigators during a Russian investigation. The amnesties are likely to signal Trump’s forthcoming efforts to release the deadly results of Special Adviser Robert Mueller’s investigation, which provided evidence that he may have obstructed justice and detailed several questionable contacts between Trump and Russia during the election, including between the Kremlin. Was. Help Trump.

The president pardoned two Border Patrol agents convicted in 2006 of shooting and injuring an unarmed undocumented immigrant and then fired him.

Former Republican of California Rep. Duncan Hunter was also pardoned earlier this year for a 11-month prison sentence and a three-year oversight publication related to his misuse of more than 200 200,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses.

Another Trump supporter, a Republican from New York, East Rep. Chris Collins will be raised from prison, where he has completed a 26-month term after pleading guilty to securities fraud and making a false statement.

Four Blackwater guards – Nicholas Slaton, Paul Sloff, Evan Liberty and Dustin Hurd – were convicted by a federal jury in 2014. The plaintiffs accused innocent men and women of illegally launching “powerful sniper fire, machine guns and grenade launchers. And children.”

Blackworth said his convoy came under attack, and defense attorneys told the court the witness’s account was forged. But witnesses testified that the contractors fired without provocation.

The White House said his apologists were accompanied by a number of members of Congress, including Pete Hagseth, the host of the tight-knit Fox News, an ally of the president.
