Trump goes to tears against email polls, falsely declaring that Pelosi could become president if elections are contested

President Trump on Friday shed tears against e-mail voters, claiming that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could become president if the presidential election is contested.

During remarks at the 2020 National Policy Council meeting on Friday, the president predicted that it would take “weeks” if not months to determine the outcome of the presidential election, the majority of voters would cast their ballots per post goaie.


‘I do not think you will know anything. “I do not think you will know two weeks, I do not think you will know four weeks later,” Trump said.

“You know, there’s a theory that crazy Nancy Pelosi would become president,” Trump said. “I do not know if it is a theory or if that is a fact, but I said that is not good.”

He added: “There is a theory that if you have no choice, the speaker of the House will become president.… Add that to everything else.”

The “theory” to which the president referred is incorrect. Without election results, there would be no Second Chamber, so it would be unclear which party was in the majority, and therefore it would be unclear who could be elected as Speaker of the House in which party.

The House of Representatives and the Senate meet in joint session to certify the results of the Electoral College. However, if the votes are contested and legislators are unable to reach an agreement, then the election is considered a “contingent election” that has only happened twice in American history – in 1800 and in 1824.

During a “contest election”, if no candidate uses an absolute majority in the electoral university, the Constitution sets the election for president in the Second Chamber – and the choice of vice-president is left to the First Chamber.

In the House, each state votes as a delegation among the top three by-elections.

Meanwhile, the president on Friday continued to crack down on post-in-ballot papers, as he and Republicans have been doing for months, warning of widespread fraud, calling the process “dirty and filthy.”

“We voted in World War I, we voted in World War II, and now we can no longer vote?” Trump said, calling the chaos he predicted would occur over universal post-a-vote a “huge embarrassment to our country.”

“This is a very serious problem for our great democracy. This is a very, very serious problem and something needs to be done about it, “Trump said.

The president went on to warn about “double voting rights”, saying people “will cast a vote, and then they will vote,” and asked the question of whether states have the capacity to protect the process.

“This is going to be the biggest disaster, one of the biggest disasters in the history of our country,” he said.

Democrats, including Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, have accused the president of trying to “steal” or influence the election by blocking post-it votes.

‘They think I’m trying to steal the election. Just the opposite, ”Trump said. “I want the fair results of the election.”

Meanwhile, a senior Trump campaign official doubled down on the president’s remarks Friday afternoon, telling Fox News that Democrats are trying to “find a way to blame” before the “chaos” happens in the polls.

“The post office was never the problem,” the official told Fox News. “Democrats know that universal post-a-vote will cause inconvenience in local elections and areas that cannot process the volume of incoming votes.”

The official added that she knew “chaos will be unforgettable”

“They know it will be an incredible headache and will have delayed results and they are trying to find a way to blame before this happens,” the official said.

TRUMP: ‘If you can pay in person, you can vote in person’

Meanwhile, Trump communications director Tim Murtaugh said: “Democrats and the media claim that voter fraud does not exist. Are they unaware of what happened in Paterson, NJ? Or do they want to ignore it? ”

Murtaugh referred to a race in Paterson, NJ, where a judge ruled this week that new elections will be held in November for a contested seat of Paterson City Council, just weeks after the apparent winner of the race and a sitting councilor were accused of voter fraud.

In that race, nearly 20 percent of the post-in ballots were disqualified.

“This is a true world example of a universal mail-in-vote,” Fox News’ official campaign told reporters.

Republicans have been warning for months about possible fraud linked to voting via mail-in. The Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign have filed a case to retaliate against Democrats’ efforts to restore voting laws in response to the pandemic; this, while Democrats say cases of actual voter fraud are limited and argue that Republicans are trying to suppress voter turnout to improve their chances of winning in November.

Biden’s campaign has said that casting by ballot box is the “safest form of voting” in the coronavirus pandemic.

Meanwhile, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said Dr. Anthony Fauci that “there is no reason” Americans can not vote personally for the presidential election in 2020, as long as voters follow proper social distancing guidelines amid the coronavirus pandemic .

“I think if done carefully, according to the guidelines, there’s no reason I can see why that can’t be the case,” Fauci told ABC News this week. ‘If you wear a mask, if you observe the physical distance and do not have a full situation, then there is no reason why [people] would not be able to do that. ”

Fauci added that individuals who are “physically or otherwise compromised” and who are not interested in physically going to the polls on election day can use e-mail voting.

But Fauci doubled down, saying, “There’s no reason why we can not vote personally as otherwise.”

Fox News’ Chad Pergram contributed to this report.