Trump campaign launches ads questioning Biden’s mental abilities

President Trump’s re-election campaign takes her attacks on the mental acuity of Democratic challenger Joe Biden to a new level.

On Tuesday, the Trump campaign launched a digital ad suggesting that the former vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee has suffered from cognitive decline in the past four to five years.


The mockery asks, “Did something happen to Joe Biden?” and it cuts between clips of then-Vice President Biden of 2015 and 2016, which speak clearly and energetically and stumble upon Biden’s video and appear to lose track of his thinking during the 2020 presidential campaign.

The ad, and a few other spots that also question Biden’s mental abilities, are featured in some well-traded online real estate sites, such as the YouTube mantle, where ads from the Trump campaign in the 4 days of the Democratic National Convention.

The spots launched Monday through Tuesday as part of their rotation “on our takeover of the YouTube masthead” for 96 straight hours, the Trump campaign told Fox News. The campaign said the spots are an important part of its digital 7-figure purchase during the Democratic convention. The ads were first reported by Axios.

The president and his campaign have questioned whether the 77-year-old Biden has the condition to serve as commander of the nation in chief.

‘Joe is not all there. Everyone knows it. And it’s sad when you look at it and see it, ‘Trump said in an interview with Fox News in June.

Meanwhile, a Trump campaign ad released earlier this month claimed that Biden was “reduced,” the new spots are the first to raise questions about the former vice president’s mental acuity.

“It’s an awkward conversation to have, but voters deserve to see Joe Biden’s abilities by looking at him and listening to his own words, especially compared to just a few years ago,” said Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh vs. Fox News. “Being president of the most powerful nation in the world bears the heavy responsibilities of navigating dangerous situations around the world in real time and following major domestic problems facing the American people. Voters deserve a clear understanding of what’s going on with Joe Biden. “


But a nationwide poll suggests that more Americans are confident of Biden’s mental and physical abilities than of the 74-year-old president’s.

An ABC News / Washington Post poll that appeared in May showed that Biden had a slight edge over Trump when voters were asked which candidate had the ‘mental acuity’ to serve effectively as president.

And a Monmouth University poll released last month found that 52 percent of registered voters said they were at least somewhat confident that Biden had the mental and physical fitness to run for president. to celebrate. Only 45 percent said the same about Trump.

However, a third of respondents said they were very confident the president had the mental and physical fitness to perform his function, compared to 23 percent for the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

Some political pundits have speculated that the president’s attacks could backfire on Biden’s cognitive capabilities with seniors, a crucial bloc that Trump won by 7 points in his 2016 White House victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The latest Fox News national poll, conducted Aug. 9-12, indicated that Biden Trump has 51% -42% of voters among voters 65 and older.


In response to the new announcements, Director Bide Campaign for Rapid Response Andrew Bates said that “Donald Trump has spectacularly missed every conceivable strategic test by completely raising awareness of this topic.”

Bates pointed to the coronavirus pandemic and claimed that “Joe Biden is sounding the alarm about the outbreak too soon, while Donald Trump still promises us that the virus will magically ‘disappear’. Joe Biden has the advice of medical experts in ‘ marked the whole pandemic, but Donald Trump publicly encouraged COVID-19 victims to inject themselves with disinfectant.Trump even said we should “hurricane” over the water.

When asked by Fox News ‘Doug McKelway at a news conference earlier this summer as he checks on cognitive decline, Biden responded,’ I’m constantly checked. ‘And he emphasizes, “I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capacity with the cognitive capacity of the man I am against.”

But earlier this month, in a feisty interview moment, Biden declared that he had never taken a cognitive test.

“No, I did not take a test. Why would I take a test?” Biden responded, in an interview aired at conventions of the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Spanish Journalists. Biden was asked if he had taken a test for cognitive decline.

Both Biden and Trump have long been criticized for their outspoken speeches and gaffes. Biden has talked about overcoming his stuttering problems while growing up, and on a few occasions he has described himself as a ‘gaffe machine.’

Questions about the president’s health surfaced this spring, following photos of Trump at the start of the ceremony at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

A clip of Trump slowly and cautiously crashing off the stage as West Point Superintendent of West Point General Darryl A. Williams walked past him went viral and provided media coverage raising the question of the health of the the president. Trump later forgets that narrative during his remarks at his June rally in Tulsa, Okla.