Trump calls NBC’s Kristen Welker ‘next scary and inappropriate’

Tell everyone how President Trump came to know that NBC News’ Christine Welker – director moderator for the upcoming presidential debate in Nashville, Tenn.

“It’s always been as horrible and inappropriate as fake news reporters, but I still play the game. The people know! How is Steve doing? Trump has linked Velker and his family to leading Democrats by tweeting with a retweet from son Donald Trump Jr.

Welker’s family has donated thousands of dollars to Democrats over the years, and Welker and his family spent Christmas at the White House with Obama in 2012.

Moderator Kristen Welker’s Twitter account defected by Steve Steve

Trump’s Steve Schly comment was a reference to a C-Spain journalist who was suspended for allegedly hacking into his Twitter account before Miami was preparing to mediate between Trump and Biden on October 15.

Scully sent a tweet that some critics saw as biased against Trump over whether Scully should respond to his criticism of the president.

Prior to joining Sea-Spain, Scully worked as an intern for Biden and eventually as a Democratic U.S.A. Sen. Involved working for Ted Kennedy.

Scully claimed that Velker deactivated his Twitter account shortly after it was hacked.

Kristen Welker, President Debt Moderator Above, is Democrat Types

Trump frequently raises issues with interviewers and moderators, including Chris Wallace of Fox News, who moderated the first debate in Cleveland on Sept. 29, and NBC’s Savannah Guthrie, who moderated Trump’s townhall or the canceled Miami debate.

The president accused the two of being unfair to him.

A senior White House official told the New York Post, “Anyone who has ever dealt with Welker knows he is an activist, not a journalist.” A senior White House official told the New York Post.

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Jason Miller, a senior adviser to Trump 2020, told Martha McClum, host of The Story, last week that he thought Velkar would do a “great job.”

“I have a very high opinion of Kristen Welker,” he said. “I think it will work excellently as a mediator for the third discussion. I think he is a journalist who is very fair in his approach and I think he would be a very good choice for this third discussion. “