Trump Aid tells people to support the military. But he uses a picture of a Russian jet.

He noticed the corners of the plane’s tail, the way the tail flows far behind and the distance between the engines, the tunnel between them.

Ruslan Pokhov, director of the Center for Analysis at the Strategies and Technologies in Moscow, confirmed that the aircraft was a Russian MiG-29, and said that the soldier on the far right in the ad had an AK-74 assault rifle.

The Trump Make America Great Again Committee runs both the Republican National Committee and the campaign. Most of the low-dollar and digital donations raised by the committee go into the campaign.

The image of the ad is a stock photo available on with the caption “Soldiers and military silhouettes of the Air Force against the backdrop of the sunset sky”. “BPTTU” The creator of this image of the name says they are located in Andorra, but did not respond to a Facebook message.

The MiG-29, a twin-engine fighter jet built in the Soviet Union that first flew in 1977, is the main Russian fighter jet and is sold all over the world. It was developed specifically during the Cold War against American F-15s and F-16s, and the U.S. also acquired some to play opponents in the game of war. The planes have recently been spotted at Russian airports in Syria and Libya.

Russia has also exported them to several countries, including North Korea, Syria, India and Uzbekistan. Iran also made 68 acquisitions in the late MiG-29 of the Soviet Union. In 1997, the USA also purchased 21 “nuclear-capable” MiG-29s from Moldova to prevent them from falling into the hands of opponents such as Iran.

Trump did not respond to a request for comment on the campaign. The RNC declined to comment.

Politicians have in the past struggled to run ads or create content featuring military equipment from Russia or other countries. Last October, Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) Russian Battlecruiser tweeted a picture of Piotr Velky With a comment: “Happy birthday to the US Navy. We thank the men and women who have served to keep our waters safe. “Later his office fee took down this tweet.

Mark Capto contributed to this report.