Trump 2020 campaign spokesman blast report Trump calls American war dead ‘fake’

Tim Murtu, director of the Trump 2020 campaign, said in “The Story” that in a recent report in Atlantic magazine, President Trump called France’s American World War cemetery “full of losers” and called American war dead “suckers.” “Friday.

“Of course we are rejecting this report because it is fake.” “There were a lot of other people who were there in Paris, as well as John, who was the head of the president’s secret service details,” Murtuf told host John Scott.

Many current and White House officials, including former National Security Adviser John Bolton, have denied the remarks described by Trump Atlantic. “I didn’t hear anything from those comments or anything like that,” Bolten told Fox News on Friday.

Source Dispute Claim Trump Visits Nixed Military Cemetery for Combat and DA Deadden, Back to Parts of the Atlantic Report

However, a senior administration official who accompanied the president on a trip to France said Trump called the Vietnam War a “stupid war” and said “whatever went on was a sucker.”

The same official told Fox News that the president often said of American veterans, “What’s in it? They don’t make money.”

Ben Domenic Notox Atlantic Editor-in-Chief Goldberg Over New Trump Report

“That [Bolton] He said that if he had told the president those things, he would have written an entire chapter of his book about it, “remembering Murtuf.” I don’t know what happened to journalism, where they are [The Atlantic] These are four unknown sources, they will not come forward and put their names on it, but are happy to run the Atlantic story, and come out exactly at the very moment where Biden is in a free fall in the polls. “

Murtuf added that Biden should respond to the “scandals” of veteran affairs during the Obama administration, while “people have been waiting for months, on the waiting list for years … [and] Gurney is yet to die in the hall. “

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“This is exactly what President Trump has done, and other veterans are receiving their due care and in the same way the President is showing his respect for military veterans … and re-establishing the trust of veterans in the health care they have received. Getting better access. “Better choices and better treatment,” he said. “That’s how President Trump reaches out to the military.”