Trudeau Throne Speech: Because this is a big moment for the Canadian Prime Minister

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau holds an outdoor news conference in Ottawa, Canada on April 20, 2020Image copyright pyrite
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Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau to unveil Canada’s epidemic recovery agenda

As Canada’s parliament returns and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seeks to put a moral scandal behind him, his government will unveil plans for the country’s epidemic and its recovery this week.

The last time Mr Trudeau’s government delivered a throne speech – where the government outlines its policies and programs with the start of the parliamentary session – was less than a year ago.

This was before the global coronavirus epidemic devastated the economy and the lives of many Canadians.

The prime minister was also seen tormenting himself during the summer by the Charity Ethics scandal, which ended up costing him a job as finance minister.

In August Gust, he decided to sword Parliament – or suspend – and returned on September 23 with a new throne speech to address the realities of the epidemic.

As lawmakers head back to Ottawa, Mr Trudeau’s government faces the prospect of a possible election and a new opposition leader who will seek to establish his identity.

Should be expected here.

‘Ambitious and Bold’

The Liberal government is expected to announce plans to address both the immediate crisis – a new increase in Covid-19 cases entering the country in the colder months – and as a guideline for long-term recovery.

Mr Trudeau has said he sees the moment as an opportunity to “build better” because “the window of opportunity will no longer be open”.

He also said that, beyond the challenges of the future, dealing with epidemics is a “job one”.

What might it all look like?

Mr. Trudeau said recovery means a greener, healthier and more competitive Canada.

More specifically, Reuters said the immediate to-do list would include funding for child care, an extended employment insurance program and long-term care homes, which were particularly hard hit at the onset of the epidemic.

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Childcare options are increasingly seen as helping to achieve economic recovery

The prime minister is getting a list of expenses from the province’s premiers, whose demand includes federal funding for health care.

Others are also constantly seeking help amid the epidemic.

Fearing mass shutdowns, the group of 1,200 restaurants is seeking to extend wage subsidies until 2021, for long-term rent relief, and for politicians to find ways to encourage Canadians to visit restaurants.

Election talk and new protests

There has been a lot of speculation about Canadians going to the polls this fall because of the throne speech.

The speech will ask for a vote of confidence in the House of Commons – a key test of whether the government sitting in the House has the “confidence” of a majority.

To continue to govern, the government must maintain the confidence of the House Commune.

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Justin Trudeau will face the new Leader of the Opposition, Conservative Erin O’Toole, this session.

Mr Trudeau’s Liberals were re-elected with a minority last year, and will need the support of at least one other federal political party to avoid the possibility of running for office soon.

Last week, the Prime Minister consulted with opposition leaders on the speech.

The Conservatives – who recently elected a new leader, Erin O’Toole – say they will push for increased testing of the Covid-19 across Canada and for support for small businesses.

The NDP – seen as a party supporting the Liberals – wants more funding for long-term care homes, the creation of a pharmacare program and universal childcare.

The party will also press the government not to sue the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (SERB), Canada’s main financial aid program for workers affected by the coronavirus lockdown. Curb remains to be replaced with the September 27 extended employment benefits program.

When NDP leader Jagmeet Singh said he was “fully prepared to contest the elections”, he added that “it is not my goal” to do so.

If the Liberals survive the confidence vote, they will have to face questions over the WE charity scandal.

Opposition parties have stated they will not run in the by-elections, but will continue to do so after the suspension of Parliament.

  • A simple guide to the new crisis that plagued Trudeau

Mr. Trudeau is facing his third ethical inquiry into a now-filled program for economically disadvantaged students. The contract to run the multi-million dollar program was awarded to a WE charity, which had ties to Mr. Trudeau and his family.

Socially far-fetched speech

Neither Conservative Party leader Mr. O’Toole nor Black Quebec leader Yves-Franસois Blanchett will attend the speech. The two announced on Friday that they had tested positive for Covid-19, and while they are said to be in good health, they live in isolation.

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The 2020 Throne Speech will look different than the last many, in December 2019, considering the social gap

According to protocol, the speech will be read by Governor General Julie Pete in the Senate Chamber.

Traditionally the speech consists of plenty of voice and ceremony and is attended by senators, members of parliament, judges of the Supreme Court and various dignitaries.

The number will be limited this time around, according to Senate officials, and most lawmakers are being asked to watch the speech off-site.

Whose presence is required – such as Mr. Trudeau, Governor General Payet, and Speakers of the Senate and House Commons – is required to wear a mask and maintain social distance.

Losses, debt and epidemics

Canada is in dire economic straits due to the epidemic and is facing a potentially prolonged recession.

More than 143,600 Canadians have been infected since January. More than 9,200 people have died there.

Earlier this year, Canada forecast its largest budget deficit since World War II – C $ 343bn, with more than C $ 212bn in direct Covid-19 support.

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New federal finance minister Christiaan Freeland faces warnings of plans for a growing deficit

Prices for epidemiological assistance will only rise in the foreseeable future, in cases and disrupt the lives and livelihoods of Canadians.

Economists and political analysts expect that Mr. Trudeau’s agenda will include new promises with some big price tags – and some will ring alarm bells in view of national debt and deficits.

Fitch Ratings – the international credit rating agency – and Canada’s largest banks have recently issued warnings about budgetary red ink.

The poll shows the hunger among Canadians for a post-cowardly recovery agenda that addresses the economic and social inequalities highlighted by the epidemic.

But they suggest that for many, the first priority is to get the epidemic under control and bring Canadians back to work.