‘Treat every four years as the fourth’

Fans of Seahawks have been claiming it for a while now, and the rest of the football world is not far behind in the appeal that one wish must be fulfilled.

Russell Wilson is often a sorcerer of the gridiron, a signal-roping, shot-take, play-making, quarterbacking maven whose activities excite many and bring heartbreak to those sad enough to serve as his opponent of Sunday. In a healthy portion of games, Wilson often switched to his trademark tactics late in matches because he had no other choice. Who better than Russ to lift the Hawks out of the jaws of defeat?

“At the end of the day, I want to have the ball in my hands,” Wilson said Thursday. “I want to be able to make plays and give us a chance to win. That doesn’t always mean I’m shaking around, but it does mean that the more times I have the ball in my hands, the more things I think can happen. I think the defense is worried about that too. “

The defense makes him worry about it. It does not take much more than a little time spent on the field during the first name to realize that you are about to go up against a main runner in a quarterback-dominated league. Belt in, because it will not be any Sunday cruise to the finish.

Wilson wants those moments to come sooner, and more often. Why wait until the heartbreaking moments when you can not?

“I think reality is early in games, instead of us being in the fourth quarter, I think making things good can happen,” Wilson said. “I think we have a crazy status of the lead, I think 56-0 when we have the lead by half. Progress is an important thing. I certainly believe in strong finish. We have won many games in the “fourth quarter and could do some fun things in the fourth and end of games. But let’s treat each quarter as the fourth. I think that’s kind of my mentality.”

What nickname do you want to give to Wilson – Russ, DangeRuss, Robot Russell – it sounds like he would rather not be known as Mr. fourth quarter, unless absolutely necessary. In fact, it’s pretty simple: Wilson just wants to … unlimited.