Transcript: Kayleigh McEnany’s RNC Comments

I’m Kayleigh McEnany.

Most of you know me as a supporter of President Trump, but tonight I am here to share with you how he supported me – both as a new mother and as an American with an existing condition.

It was days before Christmas, and I was 21 years old when I got a call that changed my life.

It was my doctor, and informed me that I had tested positive for the genetic mutation BRCAII – a mutation that put my chance of breast cancer at 84%.

It was the same mutation that my mother had, and forced her to get a preventative mastectomy – to remove her breast tissue, but to protect her from a disease that has taken far too many of our mothers, our sisters, our friends.

In my family, 8 women were diagnosed with breast cancer – several in their 20s.

I now saw the same perspective. For almost a decade, I was routinely in my cancer hospital, received MRIs and ultrasounds and took part in necessary supervision.

During these visits, I cross paths with brave women, fight cancer and fight through chemotherapy. They were a testament to American power. They are American heroes.

On May 1, 2018, following in my mother’s footsteps, I opted for a preventative mastectomy.

I was scared. The night before I fought back tears when I was ready to lose a piece of myself.

But the next day, with my mother, father, husband, and Jesus Christ by my side, I underwent a mastectomy, which almost eliminated my chance of breast cancer — a decision I am now making.

During one of my worst times, I expected to have the support of my family, but I had more support than I knew.

When I came out of anesthesia, one of the first conversations I got was from Ivanka Trump.

Days later, when I recovered, my phone rang. It was President Trump, called to control me.

I was blown away.

Here the leader of the free world cared for me.

Although I did not know the President personally at the time, I know him well now and I can tell you that this President loves the American people, stands by Americans with pre-existing circumstances and supports working mothers.

When I started working for President Trump, my husband and I became pregnant with our first child, I would see President Trump at meetings. He would just ask me how my baby was doing.

The same way President Trump has supported me, he supports you.

I see it every day.

I have heard him say that the hardest part of his job is writing to loved ones of fallen soldiers.

I have seen him offer heartfelt condolences to grieving parents who lost their children to crime on the streets.

I’ve seen him fight for Americans who lost their jobs.

President Trump is fighting for the American people because he cares about stories like this.

Well, my daughter is 9 months old. She is a beautiful, lovely little girl.

and I choose for them to work for this president.

When I look into my baby’s eyes, I see a new life, a miracle for which I have a solemn responsibility to protect.

That means protecting America’s future – a future President Trump will fight for it

where our neighborhoods are protected.

where life is sacred.

where God is cherished – not taken out of our schools, removed from our promise and erased from our history.

I want my daughter to grow up in America with President Donald Trump.

Opting for a preventative mastectomy was the hardest decision I have ever made.

But supporting President Trump, who protects my daughter and the future of our children, was the easiest thing to do.
