Trailer for Feel Good Man: the Pepe the Frog documentary is a wild tragedy

You feel good man It debuted at the Sundance Film Festival 2020 in January, which was approximately 8,000 years ago.

However, as we move into the election season, I find myself reeling from the experience; The story of cartoonist Matt Furie and his innocent comic creation Pepe the Frog says a lot about the poisonous potential of the Internet. The first trailer, which premiered on Wednesday, offers the same chills.

Directed by illustrator, animator and journalist Arthur Jones, You feel good man begins as a portrait of an artist, the silly, gentle Furie, explores MySpace’s popularity of the Children’s Club Comic, then explodes when 4chan discovers Pepe’s wind.

Easy to draw and easier to turn into nightmare fuel, Pepe became fodder for every type of Internet citizen, and eventually became an entry in the Anti-Defamation League’s hate symbol index. At one point, Jones interviews a member of the Trump campaign about the appropriation of Furie’s comic for propaganda. You feel good man it excels at connecting the dots between a “marginal” meme and a grassroots movement that reformed all of America.

At that time, I called You feel good man “The most urgent and moving political documentary of the year”, a statement that I will defend. The film is meant to entertain those who have followed Furie’s journey to reclaim Pepe from the extremists, and it should surprise anyone unfamiliar with how internet meme culture has become a replacement religion for millions. of people looking to make sense of the world. . I mean, it’s documentary fun for the whole family!

You feel good man will launch on VOD on September 4.