Top rated Eurovision movie songs from Jaja Ding Dong to Husavik

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Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of the Fire Saga, he Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams– starring in the Netflix movie that is sweeping the nation, is based on genuine and genuine musical competition. The Eurovision Song Contest has been a mainstay of European culture since 1956. During each competition, countries present only one song to represent their “best song of the year”, competing against other countries in lavish, delicious and generally highly performing silly. A jury made up of representatives from all these countries assigns each song a series of points (they are not allowed to vote for their own country), obtaining a winner who is, as “technically” and “objectively” possible, the best Song in the world. The winner’s country is proud and organizes the competition next year.

It is the European equivalent of the Super Bowl and the Academy Awards combined. It’s big business, honkin ‘. As such, a musical comedy on the subject needed to put their ducks in line and create some tunes that deserved the Eurovision mantle.

Luckily for all of us, David Dobkin‘s Eurovision It is packed with wonderful original songs, really catchy and professional quality. Composition teams and vocalists assembled for the film have put in their work and treasure (with many of them written and performed by real Eurovision competitors and winners), resulting in a soundtrack that will stand the test of time even in its date nonsense purpose. But which of these songs is above the rest?

It is time to have our own mini-Eurovision. I’ve faced all the original songs from Eurovision one against the other (disqualifying songs like the version of “Happy”, the post-punk record of “Fool Moon” by Anteros, the most beautiful jazz waltz of Salvador Sobral’s “Amar pelos Dois”, and the unbridled pleasures of medley of “Song-A-Long”), and I have yielded a champion.

Here, now, are all the original songs of Eurovision, classified. For more information on this magical world, here is our Jeff Sneider ranking of the best Will Ferrell movies.