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Rome ( – Renowned Italian economist mocks Pope Francis encyclopedia Fretelli Tutti Such as “not inspired by the idea of ​​St. Francis of Assisi, but by a satirical novel Utopia By St. Thomas More. “

Fretelli Tutti His left-wing ideology has been widely criticized

“But St. Thomas More, writing Utopia, Joking, it wasn’t serious, “Professor Itorre Gottie Tedeshi, contributing to Pope Benedict XVI’s Encyclopedia Caritas in Variety And the former president of the Vatican Bank.

A parody title to Francis – speaking in Rome on Wednesday at a convention called “Povari Tuti” (All Purses). Fretelli Tutti – Tedeshi argued that “economics is not a science” and “the economy is a tool that works to meet human needs.”

However, “for the same reason it can be used not to satisfy them, but to intimidate and influence,” he observed.

Man-made utopia vs. Kingdom of God

Tedeshi warns:

When economics is used for “political” purposes, it can be tempted to create utopia. If economics is used for “moral” purposes and the utopia contained in the church’s magisterium is discovered, there is a risk that this utopia could become hypocrisy.

All of this is contradictory compared to Pope Benedict Caritas in Variety, Which teaches that when things do not work, it is not a tool that needs to be changed but the heart of man. If, instead of the conversion of man, the Church refers to utopias, we can expect to become an economic and spiritual – “all-pervading”.

Juan Miguel Montes, director of Rome’s Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), which organized the convention, told Church Milint: Fretelli Tutti

Economically, it will turn us all into beggars – socialist utopianism has fully demonstrated this.

“This encyclopedia is accused of engaging in a fictional fantasy, trying to create a man-made utopia as an alternative to the kingdom of God. This is absurd and dangerous because history teaches us that such attempts have always failed destructively, with no result. Even in utopia, in Gulags, ”Montes warned.

“Theoretically, this could lead to doctrinal hypocrisy if it denies and / or despises private property based on the Seventh and Tenth Commandments. Economically, it will turn us all into beggars – socialist utopianism has clearly demonstrated this,” he said. Stressed.

In an earlier article, Teddy explained how Pope Francis’ encyclopedia was reminiscent of the imaginary world imagined by St. Thomas More “in which private property is abolished, citizens have no goods or money, everything is divided and the idea of ​​commerce is old.” . “

“All religions are welcome on the island, but the most widespread denomination is of nature,” and “the deity Mithras, known with nature, is dear to the Gnostics,” Tedeschi said.

“Pope Francis only mentions St. Francis in his encyclopedia, but he celebrates Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King – thus focusing on changing compositions rather than personal adaptations,” Tedeche noted.

Professor Julio Loredo Slams Fretelli Tutti

Risks of eco-theology

Other speakers at the Powery Tutti Convention warned Catholics about the dangers of Pope Francis’ eco-theology.

Ricardo Casioli, editor-in-chief of La Nuva Basosola Quotidiana, criticized Francis for stealing the ecological litmotif of environmentalist leftists.

“This ecology signals a trend in economics, which includes the fact that man imagines himself in a large ‘living community,’ thus losing its tantological uniqueness.”

He explained that even in the Catholic world, for a long time “environmental imbalances have been blamed on Judeo-Christian anthropology, and it is accused of justifying the plunder of the earth’s resources, which belong to all living beings instead,” he observed.

Cassioli described in detail:

In reality, this is a distorted view of Catholic thought. The belief that man is the head of creation, made the only living in the image and equality of God, means that there is a key to balance in the relationship between man and God. When this relationship is properly lived, according to Christian Revelation, the relationship with the rest of the creation also becomes healthy.

Other conference speakers addressed the economic turmoil promoted by the current Pontifate at home.

The only way to be equal for everyone is that everyone is poor – all poor, all equal.

TFP Professor Julio Loredo, Milan’s director, explained how communism is designed to inspire indolence:

Out of some convenience Naming, No one has the right to better well-being according to systematic quantitative and qualitative growth in commitment. This is due to the authoritarian principle of equality: no one can have more than the other, so that no kind of “ignorance” arises. And the only way to be equal for everyone is that everyone is poor – all poor, all equal.

This egalitarianism is the key to understanding Pope Francis’ latest encyclopedia and, presumably, the international program “The Economy of Francisco,” starting tomorrow. Poverty is the medium. The goal is egalitarianism.

The glory of this ole historiography is appropriate to socialism and communism, not to Christian culture and the social doctrine of the church.

Economist Stefano Fontana:
Abuse of ‘brotherhood’ by Francis

Economist Stefano Fontana criticized Fretelli Tutti For its misuse of the notion of “brotherhood”, it argues that the use of the Abu Dhabi Declaration as a vehicle for international dialogue created a radical discrepancy with the Church’s social doctrine.

‘Peronist’ Pope

Leading intellectuals are increasingly criticizing Pope Francis for his left-wing economic and political position.

In an interview on Monday, novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, who won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature, called Pope Francis a “paronist.”

“For many Latin Americans like me, it’s the pope who supports the extreme left,” Lolosa told La Stampa.

“There are many of us who think this way. The influence that the Catholic Church once had today is no more, and I don’t think this pope will have much influence. I think the experience of the Peronist pope will be fleeting and” then the church Rs serv will restore the strict tradition, “Lolosa commented.

The conference, moderated by Federico Katani of the Italian TFP, was attended by more than 500 people who warned of a utopian vision. Fretelli Tutti And “Francisco’s economy”, which is the result of dystopia. Katani warned the audience for a “great reset” that was being engineered under the cover of the Wuhan virus epidemic.

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