Tlaib receives help from Working Families Party super PAC

“Millions have taken to the streets to defend the lives of blacks and demand a more just world, and they deserve representatives who reflect their passion and aspirations. Rashida’s leadership in the BREATH Act and COVID-19’s relief efforts in Detroit show their commitment to the lives of blacks, “said Maurice” Moe “Mitchell, national director of the Working Families Party.” There is no doubt that Rashida is the candidate who speaks best to this movement and this moment. “

Democrat Brenda Jones, president of the Detroit City Council, faces Tlaib. In 2018, Jones won a special election to briefly end Representative John Conyers Jr.’s term after her resignation. However, Tlaib finished first in that year’s six-way primary for the full two-year term by 1 percentage point, and then was elected in November.

In his 2020 primaries in New York, Ocasio-Cortez defeated his closest rival, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, by 53 points, according to almost complete results. Antone Melton-Meaux is looking to topple Omar in the Minnesota primary in August.

“Rashida Tlaib fought to keep families in their homes and kept the water that came to Detroit residents in the midst of a pandemic. She continues to provide relief to the people who need it the most, ”Detroit Action CEO Branden Snyder said in a statement. “Rashida Tlaib is the unsold and unsold leader that the people of District 13 need, and the black and brown workers in Detroit stand behind her.”

WFP staff said another reason they are getting involved in the race is because the Detroit Democratic establishment is supporting Jones. He has fought with Democratic machines in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

The progressive left, long opposed to the super PACs, has welcomed them more in recent months. Earlier this year, top advisers to Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign launched two separate expenses aimed at electing Joe Biden. The Working Families Party and Justice Democrats also teamed up to form a super PAC that backs Jamaal Bowman, a high school principal who defeated former Rep Eliot Engel in the June New York primaries.