Three tips for getting started in Crusader Kings 3

This Crusader Kings 3 The tutorial does the right thing to make you fast with the most basic systems of the game. He spends a lot of time focusing on how to manage the people closest to you. But, sometimes you need to make your vote a little wider. Getting a tunnel vision – just focusing on your local wars, your council and your court – is a great way to get blind.

Here we wish that three things would have been known before we began our quest to conquer the medieval world.

Learn the family tree

A pop-up buck, showing the Italian dynasty di Luca.

Click on a portrait, bring a personal. Click on a person’s heraldic pattern to reveal their entire lineage.
Image: Contradictory Interactive by Polygon

One way we’ve seen more game at a time is to think about it all in terms of family relationships.

Say your leader in France is at war with Spain. From our modern point of view, it is a regional issue – France vs. Spain. But, in feudal times, there is no France or Spain. The only ones in control of the various counties and duchesses are the ones that one day we think of as France and Spain.

A line of members of the Du Luca dynasty.

The full list of the Canosa line will include more than the children and parents of the leader of that line. Additional heraldic patterns – including the ones shown on this page – will reveal similar relationships in the feudal world.
Image: Contradictory Interactive by Polygon

For the most part, the conflict is not nationalist Crusader Kings 3. It is individual – one person against another, one family against another, or one dynasty against another. France is not at war with Spain. There is a war with France Person, Family, Dynasty In charge of Spain.

To see who those people are, click on the relevant leader and make notes Heraldic shield To the right of their state line. It will tell you which family – which dynasty – that. Clicking on it brings up a new menu, and on that menu, there are buttons that say Number of members (number of members) And Open the descent tree. From here, you can get a good look at people who are really fighting. Who is really in charge? What other states and clans are connected? Where are the lines of succession? And who can you push to bring the most beneficial results to the people you care about?

This is a great way to look at your own back. Make sure people close to you are set for success, and they have a good opinion of you. Otherwise, they can be easily distracted.

Focus on currency, but not just cash

The principles of Catholicism include armed pilgrimages, community and monasticism, as shown in the game.

There are vacant holdings in Kona in Bologna County. It would be the right place to honor Christ from the chapel in the name of our friend, Pope.
Image: Contradictory Interactive by Polygon

In the beginning, you will probably be quite very poor Crusader Kings 3. The quickest way to fix that situation is to go to war, capture some high-profile targets (see below) and sell them. Other than that, you can always ask your lieutenant or the head of your religion for some cash – but don’t expect them to think too much of you once you do. Focus on finding the good Steward Make improvements to your courtiers and whenever possible that increase the amount and consistency of cash from taxes.

But there is more to worry about than just gold. You need to keep track of the other three currencies: Reputation, Piety, And Famous.

The thing is that Crusader Kings 3 It’s not all that clear about what to tell you when you hit the jackpot in any of those three categories. You will need to keep tabs on all of them to make sure you are moving in the right direction.


How can you gain more prestige? By doing things that advance the status of you and your family. Will help build friendships and connections with big players. Winning battles and increasing your holding will do wonders. So will host a festival or hunt – those options, under decision, are on the right. But be careful that it is on the events timer, and you will be able to host many parties during the life of just one ruler. Also keep an eye out for narrative events. Crusader Kings 3 It does the right thing to show you how you will benefit in terms of reputation if you take one option over another.


How can you gain more piety? By aligning your actions with the principles of your faith. On your letter sheet, next to your state line, you will see your faith listed. Click on that trust, and it will take you to the tab that highlights it Teno And The main teachings. Make sure your actions align with those goals, and slowly but surely you start to pile up on piety.

Building a religious building won’t hurt either, but it’s very expensive. To see if there is any open ground for you to build, go to this Field Tab on the right, and then Domain Tab inside that menu. Then scroll down to see if you have anything Empty holdings.


How can you get more names? This currency is a bit difficult. It is shared by your entire dynasty, but it is also earned by all of them. Basically, the bigger your list of current members, the more popular you will be over time – and the more food chains that members have, the better. Play a long game and try to set your relationship as a ruler in other states or as a partner of the rulers.

Speed ​​up your battles

A battle represents a 75% victory.  But with only 100% you can really understand your desire.

After 16 months of war, our attempts to capture Lombardy have been thwarted by allied armies from the north. It is best to declare the White Piece before putting our Knights – including our heirs – at risk.
Image: Contradictory Interactive by Polygon

Raising the army is an expensive proposal, and it is more expensive to keep it in a march and keep it watered while in a march. If and when you go into battle, keep it short. Plan ahead of time to do as much damage as possible, and if things aren’t going your way, sue for peace as soon as possible.

To declare war, you will first need a reason why – cassus belly. Once the troops start marching, you will be able to record the progress of the battle in the lower right corner. Click on the home screen of the house you are fighting against, and you will drag a new menu overlay to monitor the progress of the conflict. Your battle score is aimed at reaching 100. Only then can you Apply demands – That is, secure the target of your caseus belly.

What raises your battle score the fastest? Win battles, Taking gfort and territories, And Capturing high profile prisoners.

Want to win more battles? Stop chasing the army around the map. Instead, focus on pinning them up against terrain like mountains or water. To do this, pause your armies periodically and split them using the buttons in the upper right corner of the Army tab. Now you have two forces that can maneuver like a pinser. Once you have laid siege to a fort, you can release enough troops to continue the siege by placing another army in the area to carry out the siege.

The army is no longer needed on the march raised for war with the Holy Roman Emperor ... now he is dead.

Your armies will appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Use the buttons at the top and bottom of the box to split them as needed.
Image: Contradictory Interactive by Polygon

Play your cards the same way you chase your enemies, and you’ll also be able to choose a favorable land – places on the map where you have a defensive or offensive advantage. Check out the details of where your martial and your knights’ character sheets fight best.

Want to take more castles and territories? Make siege weapons, but smooth it out after the walls break. Pouring your soldiers into the gap will cost a lot more lives than just sitting them down. But, sometimes, speed is the essence. Siege weapons give you more flexibility.

Want to take more prisoners? Find out where your enemies live. Use the Dynasty menu to find your enemy’s spouse or heir. Then push hard and fast into the city where they get a chance to capture live.