Three more U.S. states are launching apps with Apple and Google Exposure Notification API

The Exposure Notification API developed by Apple and Google is gradually being adopted by public health agencies around the world. And now North Dakota, Wyoming and Alabama have just announced that they are launching new apps with exposure notifications to alert users and reduce the spread of COVID-19.

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum pointed out that the state was the first in the U.S. to offer a contact calling app and that they were also the first state to work with the National Key Server.

“Care19 Alert is a powerful tool in the fight against COVID-19 and another example of how we embrace technology and innovation to save lives and lifesavers. North Dakota was the first state to launch a contact tracking app, and now we’re the first state to connect an exposure notification system to the National Key Server, allowing Care19 Alert to work with similar apps in other states. This makes Care19 Alert a vital resource in keeping schools and businesses open while protecting personal privacy. ”

The Care19 app from North Dakota is now available in the App Store for iOS users as well as in the Play Store for Android users. According to Reuters, Wyoming’s contact tracking app will be available this Friday, while the Alabama app is expected to be available on Monday.

The exposure notification API uses Bluetooth technology to swap random identifiers with nearby phones. Users will be notified if they have been near anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This process requires an app from public health agencies installed on iPhone or Android device.

If someone tests positive for COVID-19, they can voluntarily report the positive test to the Exposure Notification application for their region. The process is completely anonymous and voluntary.

The COVID-19 Exposure Notification API was recently adopted by Canada and Brazil, while the United States takes a state-by-state approach to launching COVID-19 contact detection apps – with Virginia the first state in the U.S. to launch an app to launch with the official COVID-19 tracing API.

Read more about how Apple and Google’s Exposure Notification API work here 9to5Mac.

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