Three giant asteroids have landed on Earth, after an amateur astronomer opened the defenses of our planet from a huge space – RT World News

Scientists are getting better at finding an inbound, “potentially dangerous” asteroid that is more than three meters in diameter and more than 15 meters in diameter this week. However, the astronauts missed the 1000th space rock just last month.

Earth is under constant threat from celestial debris in the form of asteroids and meteors, and this week is no exception, there are two small space rocks due to the roar of the planet today and tomorrow.

Meanwhile, weeks later, NASA ‘headed’ about three asteroids, each more than 15 meters in size.

On September 16, the asteroid 2020 RW3, which measures approximately 18 mm in diameter (or twice as long as a London bus), will pass over Earth at a distance of 2.5 million km.

The asteroid attack of the week will end on Thursday with two large celestial rocks: the 30-meter 2020RN1 (twice the height of the Hollywood sign) and the 62-meter 2014 QJ33 (30 square kil O’Neills stacked on top of each other), which are seven million and respectively. million million km will pass at a safe distance.

Perhaps no one is more comfortable, in another reminder that humanity must always be vigilant for space threats, a Brazilian amateur astronomer discovered a giant planet that slipped behind the defenses of Earth’s major planets last month.

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Asterid eid 2020 Q6, 1000 meters wide, is large enough to cause significant damage if it hits Earth, was discovered on August 27 by amateur astronomer Leonardo Amaral at the Campo dos Amraiz Observatory in Brazil.

Merciful it passed us on September 10, at a distance of 4 million kilometers, 100 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

While it is located in the Southern Hemisphere, Amaral discovered the asteroid thanks to its somewhat unique advantage point, while many of our planet-hunting telescopes are located in the Northern Hemisphere.

“This discovery reminds us that even though we’ve got most of the big SEOs [Near-Earth Objects] We didn’t get it all, “said David Cook, chief of The Christian Science Monitor’s Washington bureau. Said Casey Dreyer, chief counsel for the Planetary Society and senior space policy adviser.

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