This stock could be the biggest winner in the post-epidemic world

The coronavirus epidemic has been the opposite of what investors have ever seen. The stock market has been whipped and not all stocks have been treated the same. In other words, some of the companies that have suffered the most during 2020 may be among the biggest winners in the coming years. Disney (NYSE: DIS) There could be such a company.

No. On this episode Flower Live Broadcast on November 9, “The Wrap” host Jason Hall and contributor Danny Vena discuss the numerous ways in which the Disney epidemic was negatively impacted, and why the company could enjoy strong recovery in the coming months and years. .

Jason Hall: Danny Wayne, let’s start with what you have. I think you are sure to have a fire winner.

Danny Vena: Looney’s comment about the demand for pants-up, especially for leisure travel, but also for the holidays. A lot of people leave vacations, stay at home, they can’t get out. I think, if you look a little further, Disney is a big winner.

There are so many ways that Disney was stopped by an epidemic. Theme parks, resorts, cruise ships were all closed. You have a lot of questions about not going to retail [stores], So that people did not buy their products. Then there’s the movie theater thing, no Marvel blockbuster this fall. I’m just heartbroken about it. I really wanted to see my Marvel movies.

That said, the fact that Disney’s revenue, I’ll take a look here so I get this right, but Disney had some revenue, let’s look here, down 85 years for its theme park business – in the most recent quarter, 85 percent.

I think the first thing to pick up is the theme park business and then I think we’ll get some blockbusters. I think Disney’s business will be the biggest winner in the post-epidemic world.

Jason Hall: I am going to make a bold prediction here.

Danny Vena: It comes here.

Jason Hall: 2021 calendar calendar lender fourth quarter, so a year away from this quarter, will be Disney’s best quarter ever.

Danny Vena: Bold move

Jason Hall: [OVERLAPPING] But it will be the best quarter ever, I’m sure. I think everything is going back and people want to do everything. Cruise may not do business, but it is a small part of their business. It’s so small that they, that’s right. Maybe I’m wrong, don’t invest in it. Invest because Disney is a wonderful company to own forever. But yes, don’t trust him.