This endangered penguin loves to watch shows about penguins

The “pier” made the voyage from the islands of the Indian or South Atlantic Ocean and, according to the Perth Zoo, was washed ashore in southwestern Australia. The little fellow is in improvement because he has some feathery hate problems and is not waterlogged, so he won’t be able to get back into the water.
He doesn’t have any kind of play, so he chooses into a children’s clamor series about a family of penguins called “pingu”. His caretakers drag the videos onto the iPad and wade them to watch. They say “Pingu” is at the top of his watch list, a Twitter post from Zoo.

He also enjoys documents about rockhopper penguins and other rock shoppers from the Kansas City Zoo in the US and other rock shoppers floating live from the sea at the Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland.

The Perth Zoo says the Rockhopper Penguin is one of the rarest penguins in the world and the global population is believed to include fewer than 240,300 breeding pairs. They are known for their distinctive bush eyebrows and prefer to walk on rocks instead of using their stomachs to sit on ice.

The zoo is working with its international partners to find a new place for Pierre to recover and make new rockshopper friends.
