There is no shortage of ways to play classic Neo Geo games by 2020. There is a mini arcade machine, an arcade stick with built-in games, and all kinds of bundles on traditional platforms. But titles alike Samurai Shodown en King of fighters are the best to enjoy in a proper arcade cabinet – and now you can buy one for your home with 50 classic games.
The new device is called the Neo Geo Multi Video System, or MVSX for short. It is essentially an arcade cabinet in full size with a bundle of recorded games. There is a particularly heavy emphasis on fighters: there are 10 different iterations of it King of fighters, in addition to other Neo Geo mainstays like Metal Slug, Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury, en World Heroes. (You can see the full list here.) The unit has a 17-inch LCD screen, 10 language options, the ability to play both home and arcade versions of each of the games, and two sets of multiplayer controls -bouts.
You also have some options for configuring the device. The cabinet is 25 inches high and costs $ 449.99, which makes it good for a tabletop, but there is also an optional 32-inch stand that costs $ 99.99 on its own. You can buy them together for $ 499.99, giving you a fun stand-up machine. Pre-orders for the MVSX will launch next month, while the device is expected to ship in early November.