There will be a blue moon this Halloween

This Halloween will be a blue moon for the first time since March 31, 2018. It will be the last blue moon until Halloween until 2039.

If you are not aware, a blue moon indicates that there are two full moons in the space of one calendar month. So unlike a blood moon or a supermoon, in which the physical appearance of the moon is – or at least seems to be – altered, this simply means that there will be two full moons in October. The first will fall on the first day of the month, and the second, of course, on the last.

Credit: PA
Credit: PA

It means that by 2020 there will actually be 13 full moons in the calendar year, not the usual 12. And while that sounds like creating some horrible supernatural event – or maybe even the End Of Days – it probably won’t be.

That being said, this is 2020 – and it’s happening on Halloween and therefore extra spooky – who knows what the actual reality of this blue moon may be. Maybe aliens will come to visit. Maybe those fabulous killer horns will finally attack the planet.

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Or maybe the world will just keep going and it will be really cloudy and we will not even notice that there is a full moon in the sky. That would be sad though – full moons are beautiful.

Credit: Griffin Wooldridge / Pexels
Credit: Griffin Wooldridge / Pexels

Whatever happens, due to social distance and the limitations that may still be in place due to the coronavirus pandemic, there can be no trick other than treatment, so it can be a very different kind of Halloween for those of us are accustomed to.

Still, we can look at the moon and then, when we get bored, sit down and watch a scary movie. The 1981 classic An American Werewolf In London – which was directed by Blues Brothers director John Landis – has three different versions of the song ‘Blue Moon’, which seems to be the most suitable choice. Plus it’s really great. And look Halloween on Halloween would be such a cliché.
