‘There must be hope’: CNN Hero offers needs and positivity to young people with disabilities in Colombia

As a young man with cerebral palsy, Aristizábal has struggled his entire life to overcome obstacles on his way.

Today, his non-profit organization, ASODISVALLE, an acronym that translates as the Valley Association of People with Disabilities, offers a range of services that have helped transform the lives of more than 1,100 young people and their families. Aristizábal was CNN’s Hero of the Year in 2016.
In Colombia, there have been more than 165,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19. More than 6,000 people have died. The numbers continue to rise rapidly, threatening the livelihood of Colombians who are quarantined across the country until at least August 1.

“We have been taking all security measures to avoid affecting our health and the health of others,” said Aristizábal, 37.

Typically, your organization runs a school and medical clinic and provides speech, physical, and occupational therapy. The group also has a meal program and a job training initiative.

Jeison Aristizabal's non-profit organization in Colombia provides crucial services to youth with disabilities.

To ensure everyone’s safety, the organization temporarily closed its center and suspended classes in person. But Aristizábal and his team quickly put remote learning into action.

They also provide medical and physical therapy at home and online.

“They may not have the same things that they had here at the foundation,” said Aristizábal, “but we are making an effort so that the situation of the children does not worsen.”

Ultimately, she hopes that her efforts will inspire the community to stay positive and overcome the challenges they face.

“It is important to do our best right now,” he said. “If we establish our hope and establish our will, we can overcome all adversity.”

CNN’s Laura Klairmont spoke to Aristizábal about her recent work. Below is an edited and translated version of their conversation.

CNN: How has the situation of Covid-19 in Cali affected the families of your program?

Jeison Aristizábal: The infections started in the area where there are more people with economic power, people who travel. and then it has increased in the Aguablanca district, where we manage our foundation.

Many of our founding families are among the people who do the cleaning, delivery, and maintenance. Many of them cannot remain totally in quarantine because they live day by day; they are humble families who need to work to get food. We have had infections in some families with children at the foundation. Unfortunately we learned of the death of a parent of a child on the show.

Obviously, as the pandemic continues, we will continue quarantining. The hospital infrastructure in Colombia is much smaller and more precarious. A wave of massive infections and hospitalized people: the hospital system in Cali could not bear that.

CNN: What are some of the problems children are facing in your program right now?

Aristizábal: What worries me the most is that I want to ensure that they have a good diet. The children here at the foundation received their breakfasts and lunches and have a nutritionist to make sure they have a balanced diet full of nutrients. If they lose their diet, their medical situation will become even more complicated. That is why we have really worked (to obtain) children’s food.

Another concern is accessing medical treatments and therapies. Unfortunately, the children have not been able to return to the center, which is serious for them because many of them depend on their treatments to maintain their health. For children with disabilities, physical therapy is especially important. We have really made a great effort so that they can continue receiving (those) from home.

The emotional and psychological part has really affected them. Prolonged confinement due to isolation has caused more stress for these children. They really miss the foundation; This is your second home.

CNN: How is your group supporting children and families in your program?

Aristizábal: We have managed to provide food every two weeks to each family. We have been successful with families that have a permanent food supply.

We have two ways to provide (physical therapy) to children now. Medical providers go from house to house to administer therapies. The physical therapist also shows the family how to do therapy at home. We have another really good sports program for people with disabilities. So, through the Internet, we have (those) classes, which end up being therapy, so that they can move their arms, their hands and not relapse after all we have gained.

We are doing all of our school programs through virtual classes so that you can study at home. We have also been teaching them how to make bread on the Internet. We are giving psychological support. The foundation’s psychologists make phone calls to families and provide emotional support to each of the children.

We have done all of this to ensure that children’s health conditions do not worsen due to this quarantine.

CNN: What advice do you have for people during this difficult time?

Aristizábal: The message of not losing hope is fundamental at this time. Because so many people have lost their jobs, lost a life we ​​call normal, we are now thinking that everything is bad. And it is not, he tells them that there must be hope because that is what allows us to rise with optimism, with the will to fight so that things improve every day, despite the changes we are experiencing.

In the end, when we have dreams, that is a motor that ignites life. It is not an easy situation, but you have to make an effort and be eager to keep going, and have solidarity and heart. Putting effort into life, our dreams, everything we are doing. That is the great message that we have brought to families, children and the entire community.

Do you want to get involved? Review the ASODISVALLE website and see how to help.
