There is no end to the shortage of webcam Covid-19

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When people couldn’t see each other in real life, they turned to virtual meetings that required a webcam

As Covid-19 locks went into effect around the world, millions turned to remote work and to organize virtual meetings with friends.

Overnight, webcams went from mundane computer accessories to gold dust.

Even now, the initial surge in demand, in March, has barely slowed, and manufacturers are struggling to satisfy the many consumers trying to buy.

And while some consumers have been successful, there is plenty of evidence that many more continue to search in vain.

‘Chasing demand’

Smartphones, tablets, and laptops generally come with built-in cameras.

But many users prefer dedicated devices that can offer higher video resolution or are easier to set up using, for example, a tripod.

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Logitech is working hard to meet demand.

Logitech has begun shipping its webcams by air, rather than by sea, to reach retailers as quickly as possible.

“We are still chasing demand at the moment,” says a spokesperson.

“Production is at full throttle.

“In the future, supply may remain tight, but we expect it to improve.”

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Chief Executive Bracken Darrell told CNBC that the company was “working like crazy” to meet demand.

And he expected another increase in sales for students returning to college practically in the fall.

In the UK, Amazon, Curry’s and Argos have certain webcam models available for sale.

But many, including the most popular products made by companies like Logitech, Microsoft, and Razer, are regularly listed as out of stock.

‘Inflated prices’

“I tried for months to find one for my mother,” says Matt Obee, a software designer in the UK.

“She wanted to join her normal activities from home.”

Specifically, virtual church and Pilates.

“I could only find some with stupidly inflated prices, or unrecognizable brands,” he says.

Search months

And when a friend bought Obee’s mother a webcam with a brand she didn’t know, it seemed to be causing software problems on her computer and Zoom kept crashing.

Eventually, he managed to buy her one from Curry’s, a little more expensive than the model he intended to buy, but it worked as expected.

“I did not expect that we would have to spend months searching,” he adds.

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Monika Lee


Internet broadcaster Monika Lee could not find a suitable webcam

In California, cosplayer and streamer Monika Lee already has two webcams, but she would like a third to cook demos from her kitchen.

‘Pretty frivolous’

“It is more important than ever to connect with people,” she says.

Her need for the camera is “quite frivolous,” she says.

But she’s not happy with the quality of the built-in portable camera she’s been using.

And although the specific webcam model you want is back in stock, at Amazon, its price has gone up.

Software updates

Similar frustrations faced gaming streamer Casey Thornton in the United States, which uses the pseudonym D3ityCthulhu.

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Casey Thornton


Casey Thornton is a streamer looking for a high quality webcam

The pandemic stunned the webcam market and it’s understandable that manufacturers have struggled to keep up, says Stuart Miles, publisher of gadget news site

“It was an industry that was just moving forward, nobody was really that excited,” he says.

“Suddenly, through the lockdown, we’ve been forced to make Zoom calls and quizzes and try to stay connected by working from home.”

Some camera companies offer software updates, he says.

This week, for example, Nikon released an update that allows users to convert their single-lens reflex (DSLR) digital cameras into makeshift webcams.

“You may see more innovation in lighting or [companies] sell lights to wrap around your laptop screen and offer a better lighting experience, “adds Miles.