There has been an increase in new COVID-19 cases in the US, Europe

A painful social lockdown in Europe and some American states helped to hide the coronavirus. Now, between a fair and unequal reopening, the epidemic is once again growing on both continents.

Data compiled by Johns Hopkins University show a surge in new cases in France, Spain and the UK, where the virus has been populating the population since the onset of winter and straining the health system. At least eight U.S. The states also show an increase in new cases by 10% or more per week.

In France, the number of new cases reached 118,000 for the second day in a row, with the number of weekly cases in the country increasing by 1%. During the spring Tuna lockdown period, an average of 50,000 cases a day occur in France.

The UK was at a “dangerous moment” after more than 17,540 new coronavirus cases were reported on Thursday, the British Health Minister Matt Hancock warned. In the past week, the number of newly registered cases in the UK has risen by more than 20% compared to a week ago.

The second wave of coronavirus infections in Europe got better just before the flu season began. (AP Photo / Manu Fernandez)

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Meanwhile, there has been a showdown in Spain between local and national officials over the legality of new, blanket measures to stop the spread of the virus in Madrid, which is now Europe’s worst Covid-19 hot spot.

Many European nations have been hit hard by the epidemic this spring, including Italy, Spain and the UK, have placed domestic orders to help reduce the number of new-cases, and have launched contact-tracing programs aimed at slowing down infectious people. Spreading the virus through communities.

Economic stress, fatigue and loneliness have prompted politicians to allow the strip, restaurants and schools to reopen, despite warnings by public health experts that inappropriate measures are being taken to prevent an outbreak.

Younger people who become more social have become a source of transmission, putting the older group at greater risk as the data show, they die when infected.

Two women walk into a back pub in Edinburgh after a temporary ban was imposed on Friday. (AP by Andrew Milligan / PA)

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And contact tracing, which is considered serious for reopening, in some European countries and the U.S. Has been much less effective than expected

“The measures that were put in were not cures, they were stop buttons,” said Jennifer Nuzo, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Once you pick them up, if people go back to the conversation, and if they do it unsafely, you’ll have more cases.”

This week brought rising rates of hospital admissions and deaths from the virus across Europe, as well as the simplification of previously laced withdrawal measures in many countries. U.S. The new infection was reflected in an increase in cases of the virus in several states, including Wisconsin, Illinois and New York.

U.S. And public health experts in Europe have warned against public fatigue with measures that could slow the spread of the virus, such as wearing face masks and maintaining physical distance. After a large lockout in the spring, many Europeans went on vacation, raising fears among public health officials that travel was leading to an increase in new cases.

While officials around the world have stated that they intend to use repeated testing and contact tracing to monitor virus progression and side effects, they acknowledge that very few tests are being performed, and in many cases their results are slowly becoming effective. Have returned very slowly. Epidemic.

Dr. “This is a long way off and we are on a very worrying path in terms of the number of new cases,” Nuzo said.

On Friday, a shopkeeper wears a face mask while walking in the Northbrook, Lord & Taylor department store. (AP Photo / Name Y. Hu)

Coronavirus finishes a total of 2.2 million worldwide

U.S. In, the virus.6. Leading the world with over one million confirmed cases, more than 56,000 cases were reported on Thursday, a daily total since mid-August. More than 213,000 people have died in the country.

A total of 888,0826 new cases were reported in the states during the week ended Thursday, up from 11% in the previous week and 4,972 deaths. According to data compiled by the Covid Tracking Project, 34,322 patients were hospitalized with the virus since September 3.

In the past week, there have been an average of more than 46,000 newly confirmed cases of the virus a day in the U.S. This figure is about 10,000 more than the average number of new daily infections a month ago.

Unlike spring and autumn and summer, when clusters in a handful of cities and regions have seen a sharp increase in the number of cases, the current surge in new cases has spilled over into more than 20 states.

California, Florida, Illinois, Texas and Wisconsin reported 20,000,000 or more cases on Thursday, according to Johns Hopkins. In North Carolina, the number of new cases has risen to more than 2,400, according to Johns Hopkins, the level reached during the state’s epidemic in July. An additional 16 states reported 1,000 or more new cases on Thursday, data show.

Experts say the reopening of schools and colleges with mild restrictions is increasing current levels of infection.

“I think it’s very clear that when we take some of these steps lightly, we can see the spread,” said Lane Ren Lipworth, an epidemiologist and professor at Wunderbilt University. “To think that we are in control of this or that we have reached a stage where we really have a misunderstanding of the spread of this type of virus, I think there is no need for some of these steps.”

Wisconsin Govt. Tony Evers, who earlier this week introduced new restrictions on gatherings in an effort to limit the spread of the virus, urged people to return to the basics of prevention. “Please stay home, limit gatherings and travel, and wear a mask whenever you go out so we can flatten the curve and get back on track,” Mr. Ivers wrote on Twitter.

Louisiana Gov. John Bell Edwards said Friday that efforts to fight the virus in his state are facing worrying trends, including an increasing number of Kovid-19 patients being hospitalized.

The state has stopped community testing for coronavirus as it builds brackets for Hurricane Delta effects over the weekend. Mr Edwards said the state’s goal is to fully reopen community testing by Monday.

Residents of southern Louisiana were preparing to turn nightmares back on Friday as rainstorms near Hurricane Delta began to wet the same area of ​​the state that was badly hit by a deadly hurricane six weeks ago. (Through Chris Granger / A Advocate a

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In Illinois, which on Thursday filed more than 1,000,000 new cases for the first time in more than a month, Republican Rep. Mike Bost announced on Friday that he has tested positive for Covid-1 for.

At least 20 members of Congress have tested positive or been diagnosed with Covid-19, according to the Govt., Which monitors congressional votes and other activities. A total of 73 members have tested either positive or self-isolated due to the potential for the virus.

Meanwhile, federal officials said Friday that 100 million doses of various Covid-19 vaccines could be found by the end of 2020 if they prove safe and effective for cleaning by the Food and Drug Administration.

By March or April, they predicted, the total vaccine dose should be between 600 and 700 million available, health and human services department officials said in a briefing. He was joined by officers from Operation Operation Worm Speed, a multigene governmental organization set up for rapid vaccinations and therapeutic drugs for American patients.

Estimates are based on how long it will take to produce the vaccine, although there are significant warnings left. The Trump administration has pushed for the rapid release of vaccines to combat the epidemic, but the FDA must still certify that the vaccine is both safe and effective.

Even after approval, delivery is an additional challenge. State health officials have expressed concern that the government has not addressed serious issues related to how doses are capped.