There are some very positive signs about how Alabama is dealing with the coronavirus – Yellowhammer News

There are some very positive signs about how Alabama is dealing with the coronavirus

All too often we in the media, myself included, think about the negative.

The mainstream media is always sitting on the bad guys, whether it be insurgents, Democrats or the coronavirus.

So let’s talk about some good news and good guys.

The fact that we are on day three of sub-1000 new cases of coronavirus is amazing. Whether it is the mask coordination or not, who cares. The numbers are coming down, and that’s great.

Three straight days at this level have not been seen in Alabama since June 28th!

Hospitalizations are also down.

And the spread of the virus is also among one. This, according to, is great news:

Rt is the rate of propagation of the virus. As Rt is above 1.0, the virus will spread rapidly. When Rt located below 1.0, the virus will stop spreading exponentially.

White House coronavirus task force member and Marine Admiral Brett Giroir appeared on WVNN’s “The Dale Jackson Show” on Thursday to discuss Alabama’s coronavirus response and noted that near-universal masking could have had near the same results of a lockdown without the devastating economic impact.

When asked about the recent spike in deaths seen by the state, he noted a trend that includes a large number of cases followed in two weeks by high hospitalization and then followed by an increase in deaths.

Giroir believes Alabama is on the right track and needs to stay on course to get to the other side of this pandemic.

This is not the only good news about the coronavirus that has been coming out in the last 24 hours. The coronavirus testing done at the University of Alabama System shows some nice results.

According to aldotcom, 30,000 tests were done and 249 students tested positive for the coronavirus, which is 0.83%.

My takeaway:

This is enormous. It opens the door for a return to classrooms, college football and some sign that normal college life is possible.

The students at these schools earn an enormous amount of credit here. They have clearly socially distanced themselves, masked, washed their hands and sacrificed to help get these numbers where they are.

This shows that it can be done and we can get these figures down to avoid further constraints, damage to our economy and perhaps soon return to a normal-ish life.

There is an incentive to accentuate the negative. Some make a living from it, but it’s OK to see the good in the world every now and then.


Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a 7-11 AM talk show on WVNN.