There are about 20,000 Kovid-19 cases among Amazon workers

Worker at Amazon Fulfillment CenterImage copyright pyrite
Getty Images

Amazon said more than 19,816 of its workers in the U.S. have signed contracts on Covid-19 since March.

The number is 1.44% of the 1.37 million employees of Amazon and its subsidiary Whole Foods.

Amazon has faced criticism from employees, unions and elected officials, who have accused the company of endangering employees’ health.

But the retail online retailing giant said its infection rate was lower than expected.

Amazon has kept its facilities open during its epidemic to meet the surge in demand from home-based shoppers.

Being open to e-commerce has proved to be very attractive, and has added to the wealth of the world’s richest man, founder Jeff Bezos.

In the three months to the end of June, the tech giant’s sales rose 0.1% to 9 9b.9 billion (9 .9..9 billion), and the company posted its highest quarterly profit since launching in 1994.2.52bn (b4bn) Was big.

Low infection

In a blog post, Amazon argued that if the age and geography of employees were taken into account, Amazon’s infection rate would be equal to the wider population, 33,952 workers would have been infected with the virus.

These figures include seasonal employees and people who have been infected while working outside.

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The company said it has “introduced or replaced more than 150 processes”, distributed more than 100 million face masks and applied temperature testing to its facilities worldwide.

Amazon said it introduced social distance measures and additional cleaning, which “happens every 90 minutes at each site.”

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Amazon challenged other companies to release their own Covid-19 figures.

“This information would be more powerful if it had the same data as other major employers to compare,” Amazon said in a blog post.

Athena, a coalition that opposes Amazon’s massive labor, planning and environmental issues, has called on authorities to investigate further.

Athena director Dania Rajendra said in a statement that Amazon had allowed the Covid-19 to spread like wildfire.