The world’s first DNA ‘trike order’ in your pocket

The world's first DNA 'trike order' in your pocket

Aspin Pala Lenik, who owns the world’s first mobile genetic laboratory at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s 125th anniversary open house. The new iPhone app, iGenomics, DNA Analyzer and Ox Xford Nanopore’s USB-Size Minion, a combination of DNA sequencers make genome analysis portable and accessible. Credit: CSHL

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Scientists have developed the world’s first mobile genome sequence analyzer, a new iPhone application called Ignomics. By pairing the iPhone with a handheld DNA sequencer, users can create a mobile genetics lab reminiscent of the “tric order order” featured in Star Trek. The Igenomics app runs entirely on iOS devices, reducing the need for laptops or larger devices in the field, useful for epidemiology and ecology workers. Aspin Palatnik is a CSHL graduate. Adjutant Associate Professor Michael Schtz programmed Iginomics in the laboratory, over a period of eight years, when he was a 14-year-old high school intern.

The iPhone app was created to complement small DNA sequencing devices created by Oxford Nanopore. Facebook Latin, now a software engineer at Facebook, had experience creating iPhone apps while joining Scotz Labs. He and Shatz realized that:

“As the sequences still get smaller, there is no technology available to let you study that DNA on a mobile device. Much of the study of DNA is done: configuration, analysis, on large server clusters or high-end laptops.”

Scotz acknowledged that scientists studying the epidemic were “flying in suitcases full of nanopores and laptops and other servers to analyze them in remote areas.” Ignomics helps make genome studies more portable, ible accessible and affordable.

Users can airdrop by indexing data with each other, enabling DNA analysis in very remote locations – even without access to the Internet. Igenomics may soon be in the hands of astronauts, Shehtz explains:

“There’s a lot of interest in DNA sequencing in space. I’m trying to see if there’s a way to get Ease trying nomenclature. A lot of people are interested in doing that work. It’s a real testament to how it will do. You know, It’s impossible to do any kind of analysis on a regular computer. It’s just impossible to bring them with you. “

The world's first DNA 'trike order' in your pocket

15-year-old Aspin Palatnik taught the basics of genome analysis in 2013 at Michael Schtz’s laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Credit: CSHL

In the journal Gigascience, Patlatnik and Schultz report that the Igenomics algorithm can quickly map the DNA sequences of viral pathogens such as the flu virus or Zika virus and identify significant mutations for diagnosis and treatment. They also provide t-line tutorials for analysis of other viral genomes, such as from a SARS-Covy-2 patient.

Scott’s dreams are that the device will help field workers and civil scientists alike:

“Today, we all carry professional cameras in our pockets, so it’s not so hard to imagine in the next few years, we all carry our own DNA sequencers on our own smartphones. We just have so many opportunities to measure. Look for the environment and pathogens, Maybe even scan yourself. ”

The research team develops software that reduces time and costs from gene sequencing

More info:
Gigascience (2020). DOI: 10.1093 / gigascience / GII 138

Provided by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Testimonial: The world’s first DNA ‘tricyder order’ (2020, December 7) in your pocket from December 7, 2020

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