The Vatican is said to have been hacked from China ahead of talks with Beijing

At the time, both sides said it was a starting point for deeper talks, and the Vatican praised it for leading to a rapprochement between the official churches in China and the Holy See. In China, churches of various Christian denominations, including Roman Catholicism, are sanctioned by the Chinese government, which designates or approves clerical or clandestine leaders. Clandestine Catholic churches have been loyal to the Vatican, and are overseen by bishops secretly appointed by the Pope.

The 2018 deal reportedly allowed Beijing to nominate bishop candidates for official churches, but gave the pope the last word on the appointments. This was understood to be the process that was proceeding after the Pope recognized several bishops appointed by Chinese officials. Those bishops had been excommunicated by the Vatican.

Critics of the deal denounced the Vatican for dealing with an authoritarian government and endowing Beijing with greater legitimacy, potentially allowing it greater influence in the religious life of China’s 10 to 12 million Catholics. Some prominent American politicians, such as Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio, have been among those urging the Vatican to refrain from dealing with the Chinese Communist Party.

Under the government of Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader, the party has tightened its grip on the nation’s religious and spiritual life as part of a push that Mr. Xi has led to increased party oversight in almost every aspect of the society. Southeast Chinese officials have imposed especially severe restrictions on the practice of Christianity. From 2014 to 2016, authorities in Zhejiang province, where Mr. Xi once served as party chief, ordered the demolition of crosses from 1,200 to 1,700 churches, according to officials and residents there.

The Vatican has had a strained relationship with Beijing for decades.

The two diplomatic ties were cut in 1951, and the Vatican officially recognizes Taiwan, the democratic island that has de facto independence from China. In recent years, Chinese officials have increasingly pressured the handful of governments around the world that recognize Taiwan to end those relationships, with some success. If the Vatican and Beijing move to reestablish diplomatic ties, Chinese officials would surely demand that the Vatican end relations with Taiwan.

Pope Francis had set himself the goal of increasing the presence of the church worldwide. In China, Protestantism has been growing at a much faster rate than Catholicism.

In 2014, the Chinese government allowed the pope’s plane to fly through Chinese airspace on its way to Seoul, South Korea, breaking tradition. The Pope transmitted by radio telegram a message to Mr. Xi, offering good wishes and blessings of peace. While addressing the bishops outside Seoul, the Pope said: “In this spirit of openness to others, I sincerely hope that those countries on your continent with which the Holy See has not yet enjoyed a full relationship do not hesitate to promote a dialogue for the benefit of everything. “