The summer wave of dementia deaths adds thousands to the deadly proportions of the epidemic

Since the onset of the epidemic, the CDC has carefully traced the trends of various diseases associated with the epidemic. In a typical year, the agency expects about 4,500 dementia deaths per week. But in recent weeks, that figure has been close to 5,500 – and experts can’t confirm what caused the 1,000 additional deaths a week.

Many of these dementia deaths may in fact be diagnosed covid-19 deaths, especially in spring when testing was rare. But public health experts and nursing home administrators say time is running out because there is more testing and accurate diagnosis. It stimulates the search for alternative theories.

“It is difficult to explain exactly what is happening. Is this because these people are more different and have no desire to live? I heard it, “said Anderson. “Is it because they initially had Covid-19 and the disease was detected and exacerbated their current condition?” Or is it because they are in the midst of an epidemic that they are not getting enough care? I have heard all three explanations. “

Frontline activists say long staff shortages make it significantly more difficult to protect residents with the more advanced stages of dementia from the virus and themselves. Many of his coworkers fear he could bring the virus back into his family home, and even leave because of the intense stress and intense feelings of futility. For example, an Alzheimer’s patient finds it difficult to wear a mask.

“We’ve had a lot of falls because of the short staff. You don’t just keep an eye on people so they can put themselves in more dangerous situations,” said a nursing home occupational therapist in California. Change.

“It sounds like an impossible battle,” the activist added. “You can put a mask on someone in the hall 100 times, and it will be lifted 100 times.”

Visiting family members who can provide social support and help with hands-on care in normal times increases the burden.

“We’re trying to be supportive, social worker, caregiver, friend and caregiver for the resident. There’s a lot of pressure on caregivers and facility management to make sure everyone needs it.” Said Walters. “Before the epidemic we couldn’t even get socks on people and you’ll see them walking barefoot.”

Kevin Jameson, president of the American Dementia Society, said in an interview that even in a well-managed facility, new safety procedures and changes in daily routines can be extremely stressful for residents with dementia. He is concerned that the N95 mask in particular may intimidate residents and urges features to find alternatives.

“People get so masculine in the care of these individuals that they get covered that it really becomes different for people with dementia,” James said. “For their way of understanding the world, they need to see and hear many signs to understand what is happening.”

He added that residents suffering from dementia reflect the feelings of their caregivers, potentially worsening their condition if staff are visually stressed and overworked.

Whatever the reasons, the latest upswing is showing signs of slowing down. By the recent launch of the CDC, there was an addition Is 1,025 More deaths due to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in the third week of Al Gust. According to Anderson of the CDC, this sudden change in mortality is a little parallel to modern times: the pyoid epidemic, the record-breaking 2017-18 flu, the coronavirus itself.