The South is trying to allay concerns over flu shots after 13 unidentified deaths

Then, earlier this month, 615,000 doses of the flu vaccine sent by another company were also recalled, some of which were found to contain white particles, which the government considered harmful proteins. About 18,000 people received the dose before being recalled.

No serious damage was reported from the lot, although dozens of people who received the dose reported fever or other minor complaints – a common reaction to flu shots, officials said. They added that none of the nine people who died had received the vaccine from the recalled people.

After suspending the immunization program for adolescents for three weeks, it Oct Oct. Resumed on the 13th. Three days later, a 17-year-old boy was shot dead in Incheon, west of Seoul. A 77-year-old woman was found dead at her home in Gochang, south of Seoul, on Tuesday, after being vaccinated a day earlier. On the same day, an 827-year-old man was also inoculated in the central city of Dagen.

Four of the five people who died on Wednesday ranged in age from 53 to 89. Information about the two others who died was not released Tuesday and one Wednesday.

Officials said nine of the dead had received flu shots in the past, having been vaccinated by various local drug manufacturers.

“Most people who take flu shots from the same vaccine do not report any major problems, so we conclude that the vaccines do not contain toxins,” said Kim Jong-go, a professor of medicine at Seoul National University who led the team of investigators. “.” We have concluded that we can exclude vaccination as a problem. “

In general, flu vaccines have a good record of safety. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the body of scientific evidence has been “heavy” for decades to support their safety.