The size of the moon seen near the sun in a UFO NASA video | Fantastic | News

The possibility of aliens has drawn the interest of humanity for centuries, now a conspiracy theorist believes he has proof. A short video from the Helio Viewer, which monitors the sun from the Sun Dynamics Observatory – a NASA satellite – shows a series of flying black dots by our host star.

While the video contains hundreds of objects, a conspiracy theorist believes he has identified a large spaceship between the footage.

Well-known alien enthusiast Scott C. Waring claims the video has an intelligently designed spaceship.

Furthermore, Mr. Waring claims that the UFO in question is about the same size as the moon.

Conspiracy theorists, for some reason and without explanation, also believe that NASA will not tell the world of the potential giant alien spacecraft in our solar system and the space agency will try to cover it.

Writing on his blog UFO Sites Daily, Mr Waring Ring said: “This video from Heliovier really has a huge tube like UFO shoot past.

“UFOs are huge and their shape is also on both sides.

“This sounds like a really cleverly crafted craft. UFOs are actually viewed twice through two different filters, once black and once white.

“UFOs are about the size of Earth’s moon. Why didn’t NASA warn the world about it? Because they know it’s not a meteor or a planet.”

However, the object in question is probably just a meteor or an asteroid.

Our solar system has hundreds of thousands of space rocks, which can be anything from a few centimeters to hundreds of miles, so it would not be surprising if NASA images were taken from them.

Some scientists will argue that the object is a piece of space and floating in front of the camera.

James Nberg, a former NASA engineer who popularized the first line, said that space dandruff could be anything from small rocks to paint chips, falling from a rocket.

Mr O’Brien said: “I have had enough experience with real spaceflight to realize that what is seen in many videos is nothing more than a ‘standard’ of complete physical phenomena occurring in obscure settings.

He added that the human brain is not programmed to understand small things floating around in zero gravity.