The secretly recorded tapes show Melania Trump’s frustration with the family’s different policy and criticism of beating up Christmas decorations for it.

“They say I’m complicated. I’m just like her, I support them. I don’t say enough where I am,” he said in a tape secretly recorded by Stephanie Winston Volkoff, a former friend and first. The woman’s senior counselor, who wrote a book about their relationship, “Melania and I.”

Thursday night on CNN. The tape played exclusively on “Anderson Cooper 360” and was recorded by Volkoff after leaving the White House.

“I’m working … My one ** off on Christmas stuff, you know who gives AF *** about Christmas stuff and decorations? But I need to do that, right?”

She continued, “Okay, and then I do that and I say I’m working on Christmas and planning Christmas and they say, ‘Oh, what happened to the kids that they broke up?’ Give me an AF ****** pause. Where they were saying anything I can’t go when Obama did it, I was trying to get the baby to be reunited with mom. By. “

The policy that Melania Trump is referring to was different from that of her husband, President Donald Trump. Under former President Barack Obama, children were separated from their parents only when officials were concerned about their well-being or could not confirm that the adult was in fact their legal guardian, but not as a blanket policy under Trump – until the judge closed the administration. Fell.

In a statement, Melania Trump’s chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, reprimanded Volkoff for releasing the recording.

“Breaking the NDA to secretly tap the First Lady and intentionally publish a Sullivan book is a clear attempt at consistency. The timing of this is considered questionable – as this is a never-ending exercise in self-pity and narcissism,” she said. One line.

In other recordings, Melania Trump emphasizes the quality of detention centers and the reaction of migrant children brought in “by coyotes” as evidence of “the way they are cared for.”

“Kids, they say, ‘Wow will I take my own bed? Shall I sleep on the bed? Will there be a cabinet for my clothes?’ It’s very sad to hear that but they didn’t have that in their own countries, they sleep on the floor, ”Melania Trump says on tape. “They are well taken care of there. But you know, yes, they’re not with the parents, it’s sad. But when they come here alone or with coyotes or illegally, you know you have to do something. is needed.”

The first lady also questioned the veracity of the accounts of some immigrants fleeing fear in their home countries.

“A lot of people like moms and kids are taught how to do it. They go ahead and they say, ‘Oh, we’re going to be killed by a gang member, we’ll know, it’s very dangerous,'” Trump said. Copied. “So they are allowed to stay here.”

“It’s not true what they say, you know what I mean,” Trump said. He added that “they are not professionals but they are taught by others what to say to come forward and you know let them stay here.” Because they could easily live in Mexico but they don’t want to live in Mexico because Mexico doesn’t take care of America like they do. ”

Volkoff told Cooper on Thursday that he believes Melania Trump may have experienced maternal concern for children but that it would fit into the administration’s agenda.

“I think as a mother, she had that maternal instinct in her and she took care of it,” Volkoff said. “But the leader of the independent world has no husband to come to, to discuss how she feels about it. So regardless of that, she gets in line and she just decides what she’s heard and what she’s told him. That’s what happened. Our country has the rule of law. “

Volkoff added, “The flip side, Melania, First Lady and the President’s traditions have gone out the window with this couple and I think if there was – a lot could happen, but, again, no support. No sense.”

Volkoff has known Melania Trump for more than a decade, a former Vogue magazine employee who oversaw high-dollar events, including the Matt Gala. The two women had been close for many years while both lived in New York City and worked in similar social circles.

Trump’s first hire for the East Wing was a walkoff, working as the first lady’s senior advisor, writing speeches and helping craft what would become the “Beast Best” platform.

However, as soon as the investigation into the opening activities was revealed, Volkoff’s relationship with Trump was revealed, prompted by the alleged amount of money from Volk Kloff and his events pay firm during the planning and execution of the inauguration.

According to documents reviewed by CNN, more than 26 26 million was paid to Volkoff’s company, most of which went to subcontractors, but a large sum, the report said, amounted to Rs. 1.6 million went directly into Volkoff’s business, according to documents directly reviewed by CNN. Wolkoff personally received about 000 500,000 for the opening role, according to The New York Times.

This is a breaking story and will be updated.
