The risk for day-care centers Covid-19 transmission is very low, the study says

Children of the Daycare program, Kovid-1 adults are at no risk of infecting adults, more than 57,000 U.S. According to a new Yale University study of child care providers.

The study, which is considered to be the largest of its kind, indicated that keeping childcare centers open does not contribute to the transmission of the new coronavirus, unless they accept sanitary guidelines such as hand washing, small group size. And employees wear facial ings.

The research has far-reaching implications for the U.S. economy, parents who rely on day care centers and child care workers. More than a third of child care centers in the country closed between March and July, according to advocacy group Child Care Aware.

A June survey by the National Association of Young Children’s Education found that enrollment in childcare centers dropped by 33% nationwide and that 0% of providers said parents told them they were not comfortable sending their children back to daycare.

Dr. Wal, a child psychologist and lead author of the study, published Wednesday in Pediatrics. “For parents, it will be a little bit of a cool break, because they are worried about their special baby,” said Verter Gilliam. “But it’s clear that childcare is not a risk to communities.”

Governments around the world are discussing a timeline for vaccinating people with the Covid-19 vaccine, as drug manufacturers accelerate growth. Daniela Hernandez of WSJ explains the potential health risks associated with the rapid tracking vaccine. Photo: Sifive Sibeko / AP

The risk of infection for child care professionals appears to be comparable to that of the larger population. The Yale study sought to control factors such as the level of infection in the community where each center was located, as well as the gender, age, and ethnicity of the providers.

“Working in childcare does not seem to lead to the spread of Covid-19,” said Dr. Said Gilliam. “It is true that many child care providers fell ill. Many of them even went to hospitals. But it was not the contact with the children in the child care that caused the infection. “

A physician at Boston Children’s Hospital and a professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Christine Moffitt said the paper’s growing research shows that small children are not large vectors in the Covid-19 transmission.

Scientists are not sure why children under the age of 10 are less likely to spread the virus, but some theories include small viral loads in their airways, exposure to small liquid drops when coughing or sneezing, or closer to young children. Is. Particles are less likely to be transmitted to soil and therefore to adult passages. Most day-care centers run until the age of 5 or 6.

Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during high school and college life, in part, scientists believe, because they are more independent than younger children and have more contact with peers.

“You think the Decares will be hotbeds, but they aren’t, and this study is consistent with that,” Moffitt said. “The younger the population, the less they contribute to transmission.”

Renee Boynton-Jarrett, a professor of pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, said the Yale study “provides a very important window into the critical subject” and was conducted in a solid manner. Both D.R.S. Moffitt and Boynton-Jarrett read copies of the study’s publication, although it was not included in its peer-review process.

Dr. Boynton-Jarrett warns that the Yale study does not suggest that children in day care are immune to the disease, although most research shows that adults suffer from Covid-1 of more severe consequences than most children. U.S. Department of Disease Control and Prevention According to the centers, Oct Kto. Through, or 0.14% of all U.S. deaths, 296 children under the age of 14 died from the infection.

The study’s survey responses suggest that most professional childcare centers strictly observe guidelines such as wearing masks, hand washing and contact tracing, the authors noted. While transmission rates are lower in all daycare programs, adults working in professional occupant daycare involved in home child care programs are slightly more likely to become infected, the study found.

The Olive Treehouse Group, a network of three private preschools in Brooklyn, NY, closed its doors between March 13 and July 22, with a total capacity of 90 children. During that time, parents permanently withdrew 25 students from schools and the group lost 40% of its annual income, said its executive director, Ashley Soble.

Rich Soble said many parents who sent their children to school expressed concern about the uncertainty caused by various state and local orders to close, reopen and improve services at schools and child care centers. Many of these parents pull their children out of childcare as a result.

Last week, the New York government. Andrew Cuomo declared child care centers essential services and said they would not be ordered to close again. The move encourages returning parents to flood, and the Yale report will bring them good news, Kushal Sobel said.

“Some families want to get back to normal before the shutdown as soon as possible, but many of them fear that another wave and another shutdown is expected,” Ms. Soble said.

Some parents, such as engineer Zur Frankl, who lives in Pittsburgh, have already adjusted to the new norm and are unlikely to be harmed by the new research.

In March, Daycare closed its doors to a nearby synagogue by Mr. Frankel’s two children, then 5 and 3 years old. The children are still at home, though most childcare centers in the city have reopened, and the family is struggling to rearrange its schedule around childcare needs.

Mr. Farnkell’s wife, a pharmaceutical researcher, is pregnant – considered a dangerous case for Covid-19 by public health officials – and he worries that one of his children could bring the infection home from Daycare.

“We didn’t want to take any chances,” Mr. Frankel said. “We’ve decided that despite the many benefits of daycare, it’s not risky.”

Write to Robbie Whelan at [email protected]

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