The response to the German virus led to the victory of Pl. But protests over vaccines and masks show that he is the victim of his own success

Speaking on a platform in the German parliament, Rextag, he called on the crowd to occupy the building. “Trump is in Berlin,” the woman said incorrectly, according to a video posted of her speech on social media. “Go there and sit quietly [the] Show CD and President Trump … that we want world peace and we are sick of it. “CNN tried to reach out to a woman in the German media called Tamra K, for comment.

The gathering turned into a mob, which pushed forward the barricades of the past and marched to the Reichstag step in scenes of intimidation of politicians who bring back memories of dark times in the country’s history. Protesters hoisted royal banners, a flag now hoisted on the far right as swastikas are banned in Germany. Of these, U.S. The conspiracy group had Qin supporters touting Insinia, as well as a symbol associated with anti-German government protests: U.S. Stars and stripes.

Germany has been applauded for its epidemic response, widescale testing and rapid response to outbreaks have helped keep its Covid-19 mortality rate low – despite the most reported cases. Yet the Rextag events have worried experts that the country has fallen victim to its own success, allowing coronavirus suspicion to spread.

“Virologists say there is no pride in prevention; if prevention is successful, people do not see the risk,” University of Munster professor Thorsten Quandt, who is researching right-wing conspiracies in epidemics, told CNN. “The irony is that the less you can feel it, and the more successful you are with the epidemic, the more people say we should stop. [those measures]”

Sky-high support

All of this is happening because German Chancellor Angela Merkel is enjoying sky-high approval ratings for her decisive approach to the outrage. According to the Bild newspaper, voters have clashed around traditional parties, with the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AFD) turning to a single figure in a local opinion poll. This is the worst performance of the AFD since becoming the first far-right party to enter the Bundestag since the 60s after winning third place in the 2017 elections.
The party, which has been transformed by strife in recent months, has instead tried to earn epidemic skepticism. In the last few weeks, his national spokesman, Tino Krupala, has denied the allegations. Urged her social media followers To take part in Saturday’s protest.
The marchers held signs that inspired US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. "Free" Germany.

It comes at a time when researchers say conspiracy theories like QN – which see US President Donald Trump as a savior who fights devil-worshiping pedophiles and the so-called batta state – have developed rapidly in Germany.

The marchers last Saturday hinted that Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin had urged Germany to “liberate”. American flag As symbols of their conspiracies. Others told the CNN crew that Trump is an “angel” and the epidemic is fake, and Trump knew him “because he never wore a mask from the beginning.”
How the American who lost his job due to Kovid-19 got involved in a clear Russian conspiracy to interfere in American life.

The American flag and Trump’s hero-worship is a break from the traditional view of the U.S. – a staunch geopolitical ally committed to multilateral institutions. “What we see here is a different story, a conspiracy theoretical representation of the US. This is the America of Donald Trump, and this is the America of the white supremacists,” Quandt said.

હા Historically, German conspiracy groups and officials so far have defamed the U.S. over trans-Atlantic relations, according to Michael Butter, a professor at Michael Binjen University and an expert in conspiracy theories. “These people are very skeptical about the US dominance in global affairs,” he added, “especially the people on the extreme right … and for these people there is only one president, Donald Trump.”

Common cause

How the outrageous scenes outside the German parliament erupted has provided a common reason for those who would normally be on opposite sides of the political spectrum. “What we can see now is what I would call some kind of crossover extremism,” Quandt said. “What unites them is the belief that the state and the political party are part of a conscious conspiracy to be corrupt and incapable of running the country.”

Anita Kahan, founder of the well-known anti-apartheid group of the Amdeo Antonio Foundation, was seen marching horribly out of the window of her Berlin apartment. He told CNN that he looks like a different group of conspirators, neo-Nazis, anti-Waxxers and Asortics, his political differences seem to have been overcome. “It is against liberalization, it is against globalized society, it is against science, it is against intellectuals, it is against multiculturalism and all [trappings of] “Modern society,” he said.

Angela Merkel is enjoying high approval ratings.

German politicians have long been concerned about the threat of rights-extremism in the country. A pro-colonial politician in Merkel’s party was killed in 2019 by suspected far-right sympathizers. In March, just weeks before the country moved to Lockheed Cadoun, gunmen supporting racist views killed nine people at glass bars in the German city of Hanoi. And in June, the government said it was disbanding an elite military unit to clear far-right extremists in its ranks.

The German Office for the Protection of the Constitution warned last year that right-wing extremism was on the rise in Germany. It says there is evidence that right-wing extremists have a “high will” to use violence. Its latest report on extremism states that officials are aware of at least 24,100 people who were active in various far-right organizations.

The propaganda war is being fought in response to Trump's tweets

But experts warn that conspiracy theorists only reflect a small proportion of Germany’s population of more than 800 million – who, according to a recent poll, are behind Merkel’s coronavirus move. Buter told CNN that “outrage spread through the opposition because” more Germans believe in conspiracy theories, but these people realize they exist. ”

Right-wing observers say the real concern is that the AFD is finally able to connect with voters affected by the economic consequences of the epidemic, in which hundreds of thousands of Germans lose their jobs. “It could be an incentive for AFD [if they gain] “Either the coronavirus crisis was a big, big conspiracy, and those who believe it’s real, but the government handled the economic crisis badly,” Butter said.

CNN’s Stephanie Halaz contributed to this report.
