The PS5 is a giant for a very good reason

Many people were surprised by the striking design of the new PS5, which abandons the black box design of recent generations of consoles for bold curves and a striking black and white color scheme. While it didn’t take long for gamers to start creating memes about the console’s appearance, others have noticed its larger size relative to its predecessors, the PS4 and even the original “fat” PS3. That giant size is, according to a Sony employee, because the console generates a tremendous amount of heat. With so much power comes the need to keep the system cool, and a great case was required.

When asked by a commenter on LinkedIn why the console is so bulky, as VG247 discovered, PlayStation UX Vice President of Design Matt MacLaurin replied, “Thermal. This generation is small supercomputers. While the 7nm process offers a incredible thermal performance for power, power is very extreme. “

However, there may be other reasons for the large size. A leaked patent seems to suggest that Sony is building a cartridge that could work with the PS5. Some observers have speculated that it is an external solid state drive to be inserted into the console for memory management, but there is no official word if that is the case. We still don’t know how much the PS5 will cost, or the full line of PS5 games, but more details are likely to come out in the coming weeks. Most of their announced first-party games will also not be ready for launch. However, you should receive plenty of third-party support outside the door. This includes sports games like Madden and NBA 2K, and presumably the Call of Duty series. Some of these will be intergenerational releases, and certain publishers are also allowing players to upgrade for free when the newer version is available.

The Xbox Series X is a great console, too, but it has a PC-like form factor that’s more familiar to gamers. The console, like the PS5, can be placed horizontally or vertically. However, it doesn’t seem like it requires support to do so.

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