The possibilities of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles are devastated by their speech

Moogles are the adorable feline creatures in Final Fantasy games, and in Crystal Chronicles, they are round and incredible.

Crystal Chronicles’ possibilities are round and they have no arms. They wander around and live in various houses that are hidden all over the world of the game. Their bulky bodies and adorable little feet make them the perfect shape.

There is one thing about these possibilities that I absolutely despise. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered introduces brand new voice acting to the game. Most Final Fantasy games that do voice acting will not speak English. There will be subtitles and implications that they speak the same language as everyone else, but you usually just hear these tingling sound effects instead of spoken language. In the new version of Crystal Chronicles, they speak English. And I hate it.

It’s scary to hear these round little creatures speak English, especially when you expect the little moogle sound. Moogles may speak in some of the other Final Fantasy games, but the thing that makes the Crystal Chronicles possible is the fact that Mog, the moogle who holds and carries your chalice for you, speaks a lot.

A moogle who gets a new haircut, note that it

Please stop that.
Image: Square Enix via Polygon

As you run through dungeons, Mog will tell you to “hang in there”, or he will notice that he is tired of carrying the chalice. He’s annoying and I do not want to hear his weird human voice. Fortunately, I can turn off character voices to prevent me from having to listen to his constant nagging.

I’m very confused that I should have talked to a moogle whore and that I might have had whore talk so often, and destroy her adorable little phenomena, but this is the last thing I will live with.