The One Story Arc who did the full cast, especially Matt LeBlanc, complained to the creators

Friends It was and continues to be one of the most popular TV sitcoms of the time. Viewers back in the ‘0s, and even new fans who have recently discovered the show on streaming sites, liked the 6 earning “friends” so much that they really got stuck in their fantasy lives.

A love story that everyone Friends The fan always stains on Ron and Rachel. Theirs is a final reunion, and viewers around the world had high hopes through 10 seasons Friends It was in the air that these two lovebirds would end up together.

However, the next season of the show, a bizarre story arc Ross-and-Rachel threw a wrench into a love affair, and all members of the cast were really upset about it.

Ross and Rachel are together

Each Friends Fans are familiar with the Ross-and-Rachel love story, but we’ll stick to it again for those who haven’t seen a sitcom since the 90’s.

Rachel was still in high school when Russell first met her; She was a best friend of her younger sister, Monica (also one of the 6 acting characters). Russ immediately develops a huge crush on Rachel, but at the time Rachel is not interested in her best friend’s nurse big brother. Rachel comes from a wealthy family and parted ways after high school to get engaged to a wealthy orthodontist, and lost contact with Monica.

In the pilot episode of the show, Rachel, like Hurricane, decides to run away into the lives of Monica and Ross and become a bride, leaving her husband on the altar. Rachel decides she wants to live independently instead of relying on her father’s (and potential husband’s) property, and she and Monica become roommates. She is quickly welcomed into her group of ‘friends’, including Ross.

Russ’s feelings for Rachel immediately reign, and they’ve been dating for two seasons. It begins with season 10 of one of the most turbulent TV love stories ever (They were on break!), And Ross and Rachel break up, come back together, and even have a baby at the same time.

A strange story arc interrupting Rose and Rachel’s love story

Titled ‘friends’ include Ross, Rachel, and Monica, plus Ross’s college friend (and Monica’s last husband) Chandler, and two relatively newcomers to the gang, Phoebe and Joy.

Joy is already known for giving ridiculous relief in hilarious shows. He’s happier with every woman he encounters, but he, as well as Phoebe, never has serious romantic feelings for anyone else in the group of friends – until the 8th season.

Towards the end of Season 8 and all of Season 10 (yes, this weirdness lasted for two seasons), Joy fell into an awkward romantic relationship with no one but her friend Rachel. After Monica and Chandler leave together and decide they don’t want to live with a roommate, then Joy and Rachel become roommates in Season 6.

They seem to be getting closer like friends, and continue to be together even after Rachel Ross gives birth to a baby. However, towards the end of the 8th season, they both realize that they have feelings for each other.

In the 9th season, they also accidentally get engaged (it’s a long story), which obviously angers Ross.

Cast members Rachel and Joy Story were unhappy about the arch

Matt LeBlanc
Matt LeBlanc | J. Merit / Filmmagic

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The cast of Friends Everyone was understandably upset about this random love affair between Rachel and Joey. The actor who was most upset was Matt LeBlanc who played Matt.

He is quoted in Vanity Fair As the saying goes: “It felt wildly inappropriate. How close we were all with the character. I was, “She’s Rachel. She had to stay with Ross. Wait a minute.” Everyone became super defensive about the whole thing. We went to David and Marta as a group and said, ‘We’re really worried about this. That doesn’t sound right. We have a problem with that. ”

Totally understandable, considering the long-running platonic relationship between Rachel and Joy to that point, and the fact that Joy is one of Ross’s best friends. Alas, the end of Joey and Rachel burst out, and Rachel, as if it were all to be with her, ends with Ross with the finale of the series.

“Once it really started, it was heartbreaking because it couldn’t go anywhere. He was always going to be Ross and Rachel, ”producer David Crane once shared. Poor Joy!