The new Hubble image has thousands of multi-colored stars

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has captured an image showing what the space agency calls “pocketful of stars” – a section of the universe filled with thousands of multicolored stars. This image shows a “globular” cluster called NGC 1805, located near the galaxy’s satellite Galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud.

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ESA / Hubble and NASA, J. Kalirai

The Hubble Telescope captures a spiral galaxy 70 million light-years away

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In particular, globular clusters contain stars that are born at the same time, NASA said. But NGC 1805 is unusual – scientists believe it has two different populations of stars that are millions of years apart in age.

NASA has compared the closest orbits of stars to bees around a hive. The agency said it is unlikely that the stars in the center will orbit through the planets, as they are 100 to 1000 times closer than the stars closest to our Sun.

Midnight Star: This image of the globular cluster NGC 1805, taken by the NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is filled with many colored stars at once.  / Credit: ESA / Hubble and NASA, j.  Kalirai

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This image of the globular cluster NGC 1805, taken by NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is filled with many colored stars at once. / Credit: ESA / Hubble and NASA, j. Kalirai

The cluster appears in the constellation “Dorado” from the Southern Hemisphere.

Hubble’s position in space gives it the unique ability to capture different wavelengths of light. The Earth’s atmosphere absorbs most of the ultraviolet light, making the cluster difference in star colors impossible to observe from the ground.

The image combines different types of light to highlight significant differences in star colors – blue stars, bright near ultraviolet light, and red stars, bright in red and near-infrared.

To learn more about the evolution of stars, astronomers are interested in observing clusters such as NGC 1805, as well as what factors cause them to die. White dwarf Vs. explosive Supernova.

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